As Ares has said on the KS pages, the warehouse had instructions not to ship to retailers yet. Beyond telling them not to, they can't do much about it if the warehouse does anyways. Plus, I get direct shipments from Ares (from the warehouse) where most if not all other retail outlets go through a distributor. It stands to reason that that along with my close partnership on this game that I would be one of the first stores to receive them... at least I like to think so

With the street date of the 13th (originally it was the 6th and then moved to the 17th, so they are adjusting that date to insure backers have time to get their stuff first), Ares must have an idea that all backers will have their boxes by then. While you could pre-order from me, unfortunately you would not get your toys any faster.

I was the very first person to back the KS and I've got well over a grand tied up in it and I've not seen my stuff yet either. Add to that that it actually cost me more to support the KS than to do my normal retail order (with the KS, I'm actually buying back my own products from them at a higher amount and have the shipping on everything to cover as well). I should be one of the people that are upset, but I'm not as I know nothing ever goes according to plan. In fact, me not getting my KS stuff before others just goes to show how fair Ares is trying to be about all of this.