Kenneth, let's exchange lists of dust collectors. I have some that will never hit the table again, and I would love to see them in the hands of someone who will use them.

The '70s was a wonderful period for wargaming with AH and SPI - fond memories. I think I have benefited from playing wargames in grade school regarding the ability to think. We were talking about this the other day. These games facilitate different ways of thinking - strategic and longer term, as well as tactical and immediate. Additionally, all the history they provide is wonderful. At an older age, I now think about a broader set of concerns when playing wargames - not completely detached from the human element. I am also reading military history through a more comprehensive lens.

I know what you mean about German military. I always found German equipment and uniforms to be aesthetically beautiful as well as well designed. German engineering is hard to beat. I think WWII, in general, was a period in which military-related items reached their zenith for me, personally. Though we're talking about something highly destructive - war, it was a period that had style. I am not sure how else to put it. In saying style, too, I am not trying to denigrate the suffering felt by millions. In fact, I once got rid of all my wargames because of the tension felt in playing games about war. It has only been the past few years that I have returned to gaming. That being said, WWII will always be my favorite period, especially the Western European theatre.

How do you like Letter of Marque?