I have to say that for me there are two things that I want out of a game. I want beautiful models and a good sailing feeling of the game.

To me the black sea ships look bad. I first saw the brig and frigate set, and having sailed brigs I didn't really get into the miniatures. They have the wrong shape of the hull and are cartoony with oversized ship's names and figureheads. The paper sails makes my blood boil. I have even had discussions with Henry about his 3D printing sails. I really hate the 2D look of sails. When you put a piece of fabric into the wind it billows. It forms a double curved surface. You can never replicate that with paper or etched metal sheets (unless you use a mushroom smithing anvil thing). Thankfully Simon's 3D printable sails set is good. The size may be a problem if you want to play big battles but may fit small one on one frigate action quite well.