Yes. I plan on running it at MillenniumCon. Always at OwlCon. I keep forgetting the name of the San Antonio convention, but I'll probably run it there too. If the wife and kiddo want to visit relatives, I'll run it at the D/FW con too.
I'm not sure what constitutes a large game yet. I'm wondering if I'll need to have players running double ships to keep them busy enough. With the current old school rules I use, one ship is all they should have and that was the intention. If Sails of Glory is easy enough and if there is enough physical space for the logs, I'm thinking it would be cool to have everyone running two ships each. Sometimes I'll run the Formula D race car game and it's a lot more fun when you have two cars. Same with Check Your 6! air combat. If you have two, then if something bad happens to one of them, you're still in the game and having fun.