Quote Originally Posted by David Manley View Post
"Imagine when Warlord would get around to making the British 80-gunners!"

A few decades before Ares? :)

Detail on the WL ships is a little soft but certainly finer than on Ares 1100 models - figurehead and stern galleries are rather nice. The rules are, like Trafalgar, probably better suited to big ship actions (like SOG the stat range is quite narrow so 5th rates and below tend to be a bit vanilla(. Of course the model scale suits small ship actions.....
I was afraid of this. Some of the photos included gunboat models which made me hopeful that they started the stat range small and worked up. I imagine the gunboat rules are abstracted and represent a small number of boats or flotilla. Does not bode well for representing lake schooners with a single pivot mount.

I just saw a photo of Gabrio when he was with GW in the Trafalgar book! It is clear from his interview video they wanted fast play first and sailing details second, although they claim to have more detailed advanced rules. I think they add more points of sail for example. I will bet that ships can sail far to close to the wind - which is a consistent theme in age of sail games whether table top or on PC, sigh. Playability you see.

I certainly hope they used your input!