Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
Another nice one Paul.
Being able to reduce forts is the devil of a job so well done there.
I was a bit surprised that sloop three did not manage to slip her cable, but I guess the crew must have all been roistering ashore.
One question if I may. What do the two C chits recorded in Leanders' ships logs signify?

Getting a ‘fire’ chit seems to be the secret. I use the action rules which can result, as did in this case, the garrison too busy fighting the fire to do things like reload and fire.

The scenario didn’t say anything about how to handle the sloops so 8 went with John’s solution.

The 2 chits are the Leander crew used to crew the Diana. Again the scenario didn’t say what that meant for the Diana’s crew boxes and hits received. So I assumed that the Diana would still have all her crew boxes before striking as many of the crew hits would be versus empty crew positions. So half the Diana crew boxes being hit = 1 Leander crew box.

As you might tell, I’m just making up things as I go along - all for the sake of a story. The actual game just gives me a framework around which to weave the fabric dare-doing, swashbuckling, treachery, intrigue, etc.