Quote Originally Posted by David Manley View Post
The vast majority of SOG players will, I am sure, be 100% happy with these "out of the box". For others, simply painting in the spars and a thin brown/black wash will do wonders. Rigging would be easier if some of the bulwarks were a bit higher, but some of Rod's ships were examples of types with minimalist forward bulwarks, so a dab of glue and the thread held down with a knife point there I think.

But I'm currently wondering whether to do any of that. If i'm using these a lot for demo/parti games at wargame shows I'm thinking I should maintain the "out of the box" aspect so that prospective purchasers will see what they are actually going to get. Any thoughts on that?
I think you raise a valid point: marketing at conventions, etc. It would probably be a good idea to keep, at the minimum, some ships in their original state. Based on what I have seen with friends playing WoG, many, if not most, causal players will like the ships as is very much. If Keith's photos are below grade, then the finished products should look fairly good. For those who don't model, they will look great.