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Thread: Sum up the broadsides

  1. #1

    Default Sum up the broadsides

    Last night we hat two SoG games - first one a small line battle with the HMS Victory, HMS Zealous vs. Principe de Asturias & Heroe. We played with nearly all the optional rules, so for example with double shots and first broadsides. Mine was the Spanish side.

    The first clash was huge. So my question is, if we sum up the broadsides/fire correctly.

    The Spanish first rate was able to bow rake HMS Zealous at close range with normal ball ammo.

    8 B damage counters for the broadside, + 3 for the bow rake (BR) + 3 for the first broadside (FB) = 14 B damages for HMS Zealous.

    For each 3 damages I added another damage. The bonus for BR & FB have to be calculated separately with the base damage, right?

    HMS Victory fired the first broadside (FB) at close range with double shot at the Spanish first rate.

    7 B damage counters & 7 A damage counters = 14 combined damage counters

    For each 3 counters we get with the FB another damage counters. So we had another additional 5 damage counters.

    But what kind of damage counters to use?

    My proposal was to split up the 5 counters in 3 B damage counters & 2 A damage counters. The reason for this decision was, that this was the maximum you can get out of a basic damage of 7 B damage counters.

    So HMS Victory dealt out: 10 B damage counters & 9 A damage counters.

    The comrades accepted this, but was it right calculated?

    HMS Zealous, encountered with a raking shot decided to fire the front firing arc at the Principe de Asturias with double shot and first broadside (FB), too.

    4 B damage counters & 4 A damage counters = 8 combined damage counters

    Same conditions again, for each 3 counters we get with the FB another damage counters. So we had another additional 3 damage counters.

    Like HMS Victory before, HMS Zealous get 2 B damage counters and 1 A damage counter, for a total of 6 B & 5 A damage counters versus the Spanish first rate.

    Heroe's decision was more simple. Not in a perfect position she fired her front arc versus the HMS Victory with normal ball ammo and a first broadside (FB).

    4 B damages + 2 additional B counters for the (FB) scratched the HMS Victory a little bit at all.

    Hope we calculated conform to the rules.

  2. #2


    Just to show the situation...

    AAR will follow.
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  3. #3
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    HMS Victory fired the first broadside (FB) at close range with double shot at the Spanish first rate.

    7 B damage counters & 7 A damage counters = 14 combined damage counters

    For each 3 counters we get with the FB another damage counters. So we had another additional 5 damage counters.

    But what kind of damage counters to use?

    My proposal was to split up the 5 counters in 3 B damage counters & 2 A damage counters. The reason for this decision was, that this was the maximum you can get out of a basic damage of 7 B damage counters.

    So HMS Victory dealt out: 10 B damage counters & 9 A damage counters.

    As far as this goes Victory should have been even more powerful Sven.

    Add to the seven B counters three B counters. = 10 Bs.
    Add to the seven A counters three B counters. = 10 As.

    Zealous should have also got an extra A.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  4. #4


    Hmmm, but the double shot is on salvo and not two separate ones.

    Did you found anything in the rules, that a double shot / first salvo should be treated this way?
    Last edited by Comte de Brueys; 05-28-2019 at 10:28.

  5. #5
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    But if you fire A alone it has 10 As.
    Bs alone have 10 As. There would be no reduction for double shot, each would still be as powerful as normal so both would accrue the bonus. The reduction in terminal range comes on the shorter range deduction for fall of shot.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  6. #6


    Ok, but this maybe violates the rule from page 36 (First broadside).

    The first time the ship shoots a broadside, the target takes one more damage token for every three (rounding up) that it should take.

    HMS Victory delivers 14 damage tokens with the first double shot broadside , not 16+.

    If I fire A alone, I don‘t have the half ruler restriction.

  7. #7
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    Having read the rules again Sven, I did not find any specific mention either way. the two rules not refering to each other, but it seems strange to me tat if a crew load one of the balls carefully enough to do extra damage the other ball from the same gun should not do the same damage. I hope some other member will come along and sort out this conundrum before we have to appeal to Andrea to arbitrate. Looks as if the Port might have to be on me again at Donny this year.
    Last edited by Bligh; 05-29-2019 at 01:44.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  8. #8
    Captain of the Fleet

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    My take on this, is first example is correct, HMS Zealous takes 14 damage counters.

    For the HMS Victory, what is important is the initial fire value, its irrelevant what the ammo is, for now, so Victory fires with 7 plus 1 for every 3 point or parts there of, giving three more damage counters for a total of 10, then chevk tupe of ammo , double shot give 10 A and 10 B

    Example 3 HMS Zealous fires with fire factor of 4 plus 2 extras for first broadside giving 6 damage, then see the ammo , as double shot, its 6 A and 6 B

    Example 4 agree Heroe fires with fire value of 4 plus 2 for first fire , total 6 damage counters.


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