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Thread: The 2019 Scenarios and AAR's

  1. #1
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Default The 2019 Scenarios and AAR's

    February solo mission 2019. Fortune favours the brave.

    Your ship has been lucky on the present cruise, having taken an enemy Sloop. A prize crew is now in command and following your ship along the coast when you espy an enemy Frigate who seems intent on avoiding action heading for the deep water channel inside the rocks and shoals near to the shore.

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    The enemy Captain is anxious to avoid action as he is carrying important dispatches. He knows the coast intimately and is sure that he can give you the slip if he enters the channel where you dare not follow. He must attempt to escape by reaching point X on the table edge.
    Your choices, are to cruise up and down outside the rocks, hoping that the odd long range shot may disable him, or chase him into the channel. If you do the latter you may founder on unknown rocks or sand bars.

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    You may also try to use the unarmed Sloop in some way. With its slighter draught, the channel should be no problem to it. However minimum crew required to handle it will empty two of your own crew boxes.
    Enter the channel at your peril. If you reduce speed to Fighting sails only and take soundings you should be O.K. If you carry any more canvas you must draw a pack card each turn and act upon it.

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    One of this card in your pack. Draw each move if soundings are taken If you choose not to take soundings at low speed, remove from the pack. It may be reinserted at any time you decide to follow the instructions

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    Include four of this card in the pack but ignore if you draw it whilst you are sounding the channel at low speed.

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    If this card is drawn it effects the enemy ship.

    To warp off a sandbank, it takes one turn to man your boats two to row out with your anchor, one to deploy it and a further two to haul off the sandbank. Then a further two to recover your boats. Six cards in all before you get underway at the slowest speed. You also lose one box of crew to the pumps for the rest of the game. This applies to any of the ships..

    Capture the enemy and you win, let it escape and the result will pursue you into your next game.

    Good luck, Bligh.
    Last edited by Bligh; 02-02-2019 at 09:14.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  2. #2
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    It looks very interesting, perfect for my pirate campaign !
    Well done

  3. #3
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Good Fox.
    I try to leave games open ended so that you can put your own twist upon them.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  4. #4
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    April Squadron Scenario. Flee! How they run.

    Based on the second battle of Algeciras (see Wardroom thread)

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    So that anyone with a small unit can fight the battle, only the main contenders are on the table. It is assumed that the rest of your Fleet is hurrying to catch up off mat and the enemy are running away as a consequence. Therefore, you will only need three of your own 74s just arriving on the table edge as chasers, and four enemy 74s running away, the back marker being just within extreme range of your leading 74, which should be your fastest model. If you don't have sufficient 74s substitute any of you Frigates as a match for either side.

    Special rules.

    As soon as one enemy is taken, the remainder will give up the fight and try to flee off the far edge of the table in the direction that they started.

    Chasers may use a chase gun. Fire once every other turn, and score one A chit of damage. The chase gun will not effect a broadside being fired, but may not be used once general action has started until a chase situation is in progress again.

    Any ships with rudder or sails damage will move on the mast damage cards until repaired.
    Any ships with two fire markers at the same time should draw for explosion.
    The winner of the action is those with the most enemy ships captured or sunk.


  5. #5
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    AAR February mission 2019. Fortune favours the brave.


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    It had been a miserable and seemingly interminable monsoon season. Captain David McBride of the HEIC Nottingham had never been so cold and uncomfortable in these latitudes, and the ship had been docked for months being repaired following its battle with "Minerve" off Grand Port the proceeding season.
    David was keen to get another crack at that particular Monseer.
    However, his current orders had dispatched Nottingham far to the West of the Indian Ocean. The China trade was currently being interfered with by a growing number of small French privateers operating out of the Harbours along the Malay and Sumatra channel.

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    He had been lucky and within the first week of cruising had picked up a French Sloop embayed on the coast of Sumatra.

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    The prize, now in company with the Nottingham, McBride had decided, as the wind was favourable, to have a nose up the Sondra Straight before retracing his steps.

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    Although the only chart he had was one of 1729, he felt that if care was taken to stick to the main channel the ship would be able to avoid any rocks or shoals with which the area abounded. As dawn broke, the Masthead lookout called out" Sail off the Starboard Bow." and McBride ordered the ship two points to Starboard in order to investigate.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  6. #6
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    AAR February mission. Fortune favours the brave. Bligh.

    As McBride escorted the prize along the coast the masthead lookout spotted an enemy Frigate heading in from the South East as if to cut across Nottinghams bow. As it drew closer it could be seen that the Frigate was flying French National colours.

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    McBride ordered the prize to defend itself by taking the inner channel and blocking off any possible escape for the Frenchman, whilst Nottingham fired a warning shot from her bow chaser to indicate her intent to fight.

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    This had the desired effect for the French Captain immediately came to starboard and headed for the inner channel.Taking careful soundings the Prize Sloop commanded by Lieutenant Roberts navigated through the North channel avoiding the sandbars.

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    By this time the French Frigate was showing HEIC Nottingham a clean pair of heels.

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    Shortly after this it turned to port as if to head for the inner channel itself.

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    McBride had to make a quick decision to head it off or continue a fruitless chase losing ground even when squeezing every knot out of his ship. Too long at sea and too many barnacles he mused.
    By now Roberts in the Sloop was well into the channel, and feeling his way through the shoals.

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    The Frenchman was now also committed to coming about to clear the large Island blocking its way and stealing its wind.

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    He new these waters well and continued under full sail.
    David, however, decided to play it safe, and turning toward the nearest gap in the rocks ordered a reduction in sail.

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    On entering the outer inlet between the rocks both Frigates exchanged broadsides

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    David's proved the more successful, but before all the way had com off the ship an ominous scraping was heard as he struck a submerged sand bank.

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    Whilst the Nottingham wallowed helplessly, the French Frigate put up her helm and made off to the East behind the island.

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    By the time Nottingham had her boats out with the second best anchor for dragging her off the Frenchman was on the far side of the Island tacking down the sound.

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    With the anchors down and the men at the capstan, pawls clicking, HEIC Nottingham was laboriously winched off the sandbar before the tide started to ebb

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    Finally having got off the shoal McBride took up the chase, but with much more circumspection and a man in the fore-chains taking soundings.

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    Hermione had now tacked and with the wind behind her attempted to outrun Nottingham.

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    Here you see the relative position of the two ships.

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    Luck now was with McBride as he navigated the last of the difficult channels.

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    Nevertheless, Hermione's Captain got off the first telling broadside as she crossed Nottingham's bow.

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    David, himself was felled by the windage of a passing ball, and stumbled to the deck, forcing his number one John Pierce to assume command.

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    Revenge was, however, swift in coming as Lt Peirce stern raked Hermione with double shot, taking down her mizzen topsail and setting two fires within her Wardroom and Captain's cabin as the stern windows disintegrated in a welter of wood and glass.

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    As Lt Peirce came about, the wounded Hermione attempted to make good her escape.

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    As Nottingham closed on the Hermione the French crew managed to get the fires out, but Nottingham's long nine chasers now had the range.

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    A sudden change of course by Hermione and Nottingham's next shot went wide.

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    As Hermione passed the anchored Sloop she gave it what fire she could, bringing down the fore top mast.

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    Nottingham continued to try her chaser to little avail.

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    Eventually Lt Peirce got in a telling shot, and Hermione's colours were suddenly struck by her sole remaining Officer on the Quarterdeck.

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    A Sloop and French National Frigate for one cruise were no mean feat, and when Captain McBride recovers his senses, he will, no doubt, be most pleased with his number one Lt John Peirce.
    Last edited by Bligh; 04-04-2019 at 04:46.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  7. #7
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    The Butcher's Bill.

    HEIC Nottingham. Captain David McBride WIA.
    Two Prizes taken.

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    Prize Sloop.
    Lt.Bruce Robert's.

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    French national Frigate Hermone. Cpt the Baron Duplesse. KIA. Taken.
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    Last edited by Bligh; 04-04-2019 at 05:14.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  8. #8

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    Rob that was an excellent AAR, I really enjoyed reading it, your table looks spot on, the cliffs blending extremely well into the background backdrop and the scenario highlighting what can be done to improve a straight up fight to the death.

    I'm getting myself sorted out after the move and have found my islands and coastline from 35 years ago when I used them for Greek and Roman Galley battles. They need some work as you can imagine, scenery expectations are much higher now than back then but they are on the list of jobs to do.

    I've had 3 trial solo games since we met at Hammerhead but I'm not sure I'm getting the best out of Richard Bradley's AI, was this a solo game or against an opponent, if the former, how did you drive your enemies decisions, both in the grand manner, i.e. sailing behind the Island rather than down the coast. Also the immediate, turn left, turn right decisions so as not to hit anything and sail through gaps. Using the AI system I can see how the ship would react to be able to bring fire to bear on their opponents but not the other 2 aspects!

    This is a great incentive to get me moving - Thanks.

    You are obviously using an Encounter Deck of some sort, is this an official product or a home brewed one and would it be in the files section, I've not had much time to search around there yet.

  9. #9
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Hi John.
    This is the penultimate time you will see that background behind the terrain because after April mission it will be a new skyscape painted on the wall of my games room, and i will have a new railway backdrop countryside to place in front for the occasions where a land mass is in use.

    Richard always stresses the I in AI. If it looks a stupid move use the closest one on that row which isn't. The dice and AI took the ship to that Isle. I then used a slightly slower curve than the one illustrated to get him through the gap and took in sails later to get the next curve to bring him around the island. After all he is mentioned as knowing the area in the preamble so should avoid the rocks and shoals unless he is very unlucky. That move was very suprising as I expected him to run up the channel. That was my reason for positioning the prise sloop at anchor to block his exit. as it transpired it was a total waste of resources.
    When Captain Kiwi sailed his mission I did the AI management for him as he is still getting used to the system. His outcome was totally different from mine as you will see if he ever gets around to posting it.

    The Encounter deck is appended to the Scenario preamble. Self written for this action. I am gradually building up a selection of cards that anyone may employ as they wish in games.

    You will find the relevant ones for this scenario here:-

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  10. #10

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    Thanks for the insight, I'm tending to find that if I'm upwind then the AI ship will usually turn downwind, which then means it is always running away. That might be the best course of action in a naval game but has so far been a bit predictable.
    Looking at your set up I see you were upwind and so the turn away from you is what I've come to expect. Obviously it's too early for me to make any firm assertions and I need to give it more of a go. I've printed FredMiracle's ? sheets and will have a look at them as well.

    I'd thought these 3 cards were ones that you were shuffling into a bigger deck, my mistake, they are a good idea to incorporate in solo games.

    Painting the room walls sounds grand, look forward to seeing that.

  11. #11
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Hi John.
    The actual turn should be defined by the dice throw. There should be the odd option to turn the other way depending on circumstances. If the scenario demands a certain line of action and the ship is disobeying you may use the upwind line with the dice roll you threw instead and you should get a better outcome. This is another of the using the I in AI possibilities. remember the AI is for throwing in the unexpected, and not written in stone. Getting an enjoyable game for yourself is the essential.We are not policing every move your Captains make. For me the story at the end is more important than the action. If it is entertaining so much the better. remember that the spirit of the game is better than the letter of the rules. Even Andrea has said that.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vagabond View Post
    Thanks for the insight, I'm tending to find that if I'm upwind then the AI ship will usually turn downwind, which then means it is always running away. That might be the best course of action in a naval game but has so far been a bit predictable.
    Looking at your set up I see you were upwind and so the turn away from you is what I've come to expect. Obviously it's too early for me to make any firm assertions and I need to give it more of a go. I've printed FredMiracle's ? sheets and will have a look at them as well.

    I'd thought these 3 cards were ones that you were shuffling into a bigger deck, my mistake, they are a good idea to incorporate in solo games.

    Painting the room walls sounds grand, look forward to seeing that.
    John, if you want to experiment further, I am working my way through developing an AI based on Richard's, but with more wind awareness. It's not bulletproof yet, but if you're curious, I could send you a copy. All I request is feedback.

    (This offer is open for anyone else, too)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobbs View Post
    John, if you want to experiment further, I am working my way through developing an AI based on Richard's, but with more wind awareness. It's not bulletproof yet, but if you're curious, I could send you a copy. All I request is feedback.

    (This offer is open for anyone else, too)
    Hi Dobbs, this sounds interesting, I've sent you a PM, thanks for the offer.

  14. #14
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Sounds interesting Dobbs.
    Please copy me in.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  15. #15

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    Rob I've read all of the 2018 scenarios and AAR's and didn't want to comment on each one so late after they were posted but must say how much I enjoyed reading them. There are some very good ideas for games, very innovative and interesting thoughts and scenarios you have created, everyone who reads these owes you a debt of gratitude.

    I did use this scenario as the basis for a game, mine was Napoleon escaping from Elbe, either in a frigate or 1st Rater to be decided at the end of the game, with a 74 and 64 gun 3rd Raters trying to stop them. I wont be posting a report because the scenery I used is rubbish but just want you to know that I intend to play some of these scenarios as and when I can.
    Thanks for your efforts.

  16. #16
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    First thanks for the praise. I will now have to buy a larger Tricorn.
    Don't let the scenery put you off posting or I will stop putting mine up. It was to encourage rather than deter gamers. We really need all the AARs we can get. They are the life blood of the Anchorage. Remember a lot of players will be happy with the Ares printed card coast and forts forever with no detriment to their play. Use all the facilities you like or not they are guidelines only. Just as long as you enjoy your gaming who cares.
    Last edited by Bligh; 04-17-2019 at 13:14.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    Sounds interesting Dobbs.
    Please copy me in.

    Consider yourself copied, sir!

    I wholeheartedly agree about your encouragement for other folks to post AAR's. I have one that I'm hoping to post shortly of me playing my AI. No terrain, no chits, no ship charts, but it's interesting watching how the maneuvering plays out.

  18. #18
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    Am I too late to ask for a copy too please Dobbs

  19. #19
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Preamble. April Squadron AAR. Flee! How they run. Bligh.

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    Late one evening the French Squadron had been sighted even before they rounded the Cape of Good Hope. Firstly by a Mail Packet running from Ascension Island to Cape Town and then by a Frigate on patrol off the coast. As they rounded the Cape they were shadowed by the Frigate, and as soon as the Packet alerted the Authorities at Simonstown, The only three 74s in readiness were dispatched by Admiral Sir Joshua Pound under the command of his flag Captain Josiah Pennyman as Commodore aboard HMS Bellerophon,

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    Captain Richard Stirling ,

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    Superb, Captain Rufus Taylor,

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    and Agamemnon, Captain Grenville Tanner.

    The chase was on.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  20. #20
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    By dawn the following morning the British came up with the rear elements of the French and Spanish Squadron hugging the African coast, and as soon as they were in maximum cannon range, Captain Rufus Taylor in Superb gave the order for his long nine chase guns to open fire.

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    The Spanish van immediately changed course to gain more sea room.

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    The French element began to lag behind.

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    It was not long before the Superb's gunners scored a telling shot on the rearmost ship. Commerce de Bordeaux.

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    As the British Squadron closed in Bellerophon also exercised her chasers but with less luck than Superb. the guns being cold her shot fell short.

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    However, the panicked Spanish in changing course had got into a terrible muddle and Santa Anna ran aboard the San Juan. In addition to significant damage, both ships became entangled. (The disadvantages of AI)

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    Superb continued to play with the Commerce de Bordeaux.

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    Seeing the range had diminished, Captain Stirling of Bellerophon luffed up an delivered a stern rake to the Santa Anna, damaging her rudder, sails and holing her twixt wind and water.

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    Shortly after Captain Taylor followed suit and also rendered damage to the stern of the Commerce de Bordeaux.

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    Bordeaux now started to head reach on the two disabled Spaniards.

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    This was to no avail, as the Agamemnon now got into the action and a lucky shot from her Bow chaser overset a lamp in the Wardroom of the French ship and set her on fire.

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    Head into the wind she now got taken all aback.

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    This gave the Agamemnon chance to get another bow shot into her.

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    The action now became general with Superb blasting Santa Anna from her stern quarter, whilst Bellerophon broadsided her to Starboard.

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    With many casualties, holed again below the waterline and her rudder shot away it was not many minutes before her colours came fluttering down.

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    The situation at 10.30
    Neptuno can be seen fleeing in the distance without having fired a shot.

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    Captain Florin in Agamemnon now delivered simultaneous broadsides into the Bordeaux and San Juan.

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    Bellerophon and the San Juan exchanged small arms fire.

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    Whilst San Juan's broadside pounded Agamemnon in return.

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    Her forward guns also hit the Bellerophon severely.

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    Superb was now in pursuit of the Bordeaux who was trying to join the Neptune in headlong flight.

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    This was not to be, however, for a final fusillade from Superb's forrard Starboard battery forced her to strike in short order.

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    Seeing that the day was lost the San Juan also struck to Captain Stirling.

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    Only the Neptuno escaped from the action, and she was in for an unpleasant encounter a few days later.

    Last edited by Bligh; 07-28-2019 at 11:32.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  21. #21
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    British Squadron.

    Name:  IMG_7340.jpg
Views: 450
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    Name:  IMG_7341.jpg
Views: 569
Size:  162.6 KB

    Name:  IMG_7342.jpg
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    Franco-Spanish Squadron.

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    Name:  IMG_7344.jpg
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    Name:  IMG_7891.jpg
Views: 473
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    Name:  IMG_7346.jpg
Views: 552
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    Last edited by Bligh; 07-29-2019 at 07:46.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.


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