Quote Originally Posted by The Royal Hajj View Post
As for the original post, by not playing that third card right away, and only playing it after you have planned the next two, it delays your reaction time, by putting you "out of line" for the next couple of cards, but not putting you "out of the game" like planning 4 or 5 cards might. They still want this to be a fast pace game. And since planes and ships will never mix, they could make the faster ships just as fast as the fast planes in Wings. It's all relative.
This was kind of my thought. I have actually flown small single engine planes and been at the helm of larger sailboats and there is a substantial difference in the time delay between plane and ship as to when you decide to do something and when it actually happens between the two. By not playing the third card you are always one more card play removed between when you select the card and when an action actually happens. In other words, after the very first card of the game, the next card you select would never be the next card to be played as it is for 1 or each 3 cards in WoW/WoG.