Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post

I've not tried T&T. Is it still active?
Not so's you'd notice. They had a kickstarter to bring out "Tunnels and Trolls Deluxe" which was successful, and they were quoting August of 2013 as the publishing date. Everybody who paid good money to make the kickstarter successful (original target was 20,000, they made 6 times that), are still waiting for publication. These guys are based in Phoenix, Arizona (heads up, Gunner) and for over 30 years have had an on again, off again relationship with Flying Buffalo Inc. that has resulted in delay after delay for every project they ever launched They should get a medal for most excuses ever for not shipping a product. Back when I was in college, it was the only alternative to Dungeons and Dragons. Most fantasy role playing gamers take themselves too seriously, and Tunnels and Trolls was always considered too jokey by the rank and file D&D users. Spells have names like "Take that you fiend", which uses a character's IQ rating as a weapon. But is is a much simpler and more enjoyable dungeon experience than D&D. The best part is that it is really easy for the Dungeon Master (term no longer used) to host a game than it does in D&D. That's why I liked it. The best thing about T&T was that a lot of solo dungeons were written for it, some of them written by award winning Sci Fi and Fantasy writers. A solo dungeon was a book (published sporadically by Flying Buffalo when they were in the mood to do so) where you would read a paragraph and it would give you three or four ways to respond. For each response, you would go to a different page in the book to continue the story. They were really very cleverly written and were surprisingly playable more than once. I've met the creator, Ken St. Andre, and played a game with him and there is no difference between the way I hosted a game and the way he hosted the game I played with him. That's a testament to good, concise rule writing. But Wizards of the Coast have nothing to worry about. The trend in fantasy role playing games seems to be players sitting around the table cracking jokes and having a jolly good time. Tunnels and Trolls did that back in the 70's.