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Thread: Being An Evil Bastard (Elsewhere)

  1. #1
    Master & Commander
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    Default Being An Evil Bastard (Elsewhere)

    Among the projects I was a KS backer of is _OGRE Designer's Edition_. Part of the stretch goals involved various additional sheets of cardstock miniatures.

    I recently received the last of the sheets I didn't have, so I now have all the sheets which have been created.

    Here's where the Bastard part enters into it: One of the sheets, "Nightfall", is infamous for the guy who was supposed to have made it not only not delivering at all (much less "on time"), but having for all practical purposes disappeared off the face of the earth. Needless to say, "Nerd Rage" does not even begin to describe the reaction of the people who pre-supported and still haven't received their sheets. However, it appears the guy responsible for this is local to me -- he showed up to my local gaming con with a few examples of the "Nightfall" counter sheet. I took the opportunity presented, and acquired a copy for myself.

    I have just announced this on the "OGRE" conference of the SJ Games forum.

    " o/~ Cry for me, darlin' -- let me taste your tears.... o/~ " >:)

  2. #2
    Comptroller of the Navy Board
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    [Palpatine voice]"Good, good... let the hatred FLOW THROUGH THEM!"[/voice]

    Bring the Rain, and keep us posted!

  3. #3


    I actually did get my sheets (about ten months late I think) but he didnt answer any of my multiple e-mails asking what was happening, trying to get a refund etc. No rules have been released for the Nightfall expansion nor do I expect them.

    He seems to be vying with HMS (europa series rights holders) for most incompetent, least communicative and worst business manager in the gaming industry. The only difference I can see is that he completely failed to communicate anything whereas HMS has had a litany of excuses, disasters, health problems, printer issues going back ten years to explain the non release of Total War. HBO could make a five season drama series on the travails of HMS and it would make Game of Thrones seem like real life.

  4. #4


    The incredible humor of this has just made my day.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berthier View Post
    HMS has had a litany of excuses, disasters, health problems, printer issues going back ten years to explain the non release of Total War. HBO could make a five season drama series on the travails of HMS and it would make Game of Thrones seem like real life.
    It's a common ailment on Kickstarter. I remember back in the 70's that a Phoenix outfit called Flying Buffalo released Tunnels and Trolls. They made tons of announcements, followed by every excuse in the book for not getting the work done. Last year, they decided to release Deluxe Tunnels and Trolls. It still hasn't shipped, even after supporters for the RPG game coughed up 100,000 bucks. They were due to release it last year. Everyone is still waiting. The folks at Flying Buffalo tend to point fingers at each other and nothing gets done. A lot of these companies are fly by night ad hoc things that, even when funded, never get really serious about their obligations to their backers. It's frustrating allright.

  6. #6
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    This is probably an example of confusing skills. Just because someone is an outstanding chef, for example, does not mean that person can effectively run a restaurant. With KS projects, in particular, game designers might not be good at business. Given the crowd-based fund sourcing, a KS team does not have to have a proven track record.

    Though it has taken time, I am finally receiving all of my Myth KS components. The minis are rather nice, I must say.
    “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” ― Plato

  7. #7
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    ...and the less said concerning _SoG_'s _Constitution_ and _Victory_ minis, the better....

    Well, like the "Foonly" and "Mars" entries on the Jargon File say: "If you want to play in the Real World, you have to learn Real World Moves."

    However, in this case: I'm waiting to see if someone will have the balls to use the L-word concerning Nightfall's lack-of-delivery.... >:)

  8. #8
    Comptroller of the Navy Board
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    Hmmm... I have a Facebook page for a fictional character I write who's a Fed... maybe I should have "Agent Smith" pay Mr. Wire Fraudster a cyber-visit... LOL


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