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Thread: July Scenario for Solo Campaign: The Treasure Galleon

  1. #1

    Default July Scenario for Solo Campaign: The Treasure Galleon

    Here is the July scenario for the solo campaign:

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    The Treasure Galleon


    “They say it will be war, captain.”

    “Bloody well better be,” you think to yourself, mentally tabulating all the debts and accounts-past-due set against your name. But the occasion calls for a noncommittal response: “So many people say, sir.”

    “And war may be the making of some officers,” continues the admiral. He’s a canny old bird—maybe he sees right through you, or maybe he just knows your type. “It could be the making of you!”

    “I hope I may do my duty, sir.”

    “Duty before all, of course. And as to that, well, I have a rather particular mission in mind for you. When can you make sail?”

    “We can finish drawing fresh water in time to make the evening tide, sir.”

    “Just as I thought. I need a ship that is ready for action, commanded by a captain who is hungry. Your frigate should do nicely. Here are your orders,” handing over the obligatory sealed packet, “but let me give you the bare details. We’ve received word that a Spanish treasure ship has set sail for Cadiz. Now although we are not yet at war with Spain, we have reports that the Spanish are negotiating a secret treaty with our enemy, to be sealed with the bullion that vessel is carrying. This treasure would suffice to tip the balance of power in Europe. I’m appointing you commodore of a squadron, with orders to detain and intern that vessel. If she resists, you are to capture or sink her, but you will not fire the first shot, thereby giving justification for war. At all costs, the gold must not reach Spain!”

    “Sink her my arse,” you think to yourself, “I’ll have her as prize or die trying.” Out loud: “I understand sir, and will do my utmost.”

    “See you do! That will be all...”

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    The player commands a line of frigates across the treasure ship’s probable course. Unwilling to capitulate, and resigned to the fact that he cannot reach Cadiz without first sinking or disabling the faster and more nimble enemy vessels, the Spanish captain orders the decks cleared for battle…


    Spanish (AI): Buque de Plata (represented by a ship of the line of your choice), located within one-half rule of the Spanish side of the map, facing toward the British side of the map.

    Player: Two frigates of your choice, each touching the centerline of the map, with at least one ruler distance between them.

    Wind comes from the Spanish side of the map.

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    Special Rules

    Buque de Plata has had guns removed to accommodate more cargo. Whenever it makes an artillery attack, reduce the firepower by one (to a minimum of one).

    No player ship may make an attack of any kind until the turn after Buque de Plata first attacks. Buque de Plata has no such restriction, and will attack whenever it has a valid shot, as per the normal AI rules.

    Since Buque de Plata cannot outrun her opponents--and therefore must defeat them before she can reach port--she does not roll for disengagement until all player ships have either been eliminated or have disengaged.


    +5 points for capturing Buque de Plata (eliminated by filling all crew boxes, with at least one empty hull box)
    +1 point for sinking Buque de Plata (eliminated by filling all hull boxes)
    -3 points for each player frigate eliminated

    If the total number of victory points is positive, the player wins.
    Last edited by fredmiracle; 07-03-2014 at 10:21.

  2. #2



    Any clarifications and responses to player questions will be posted here.

  3. #3


    The scenario has now been released. I hope you enjoy it, and look forward to your action reports. May the fortunes of war smile on your captains!

  4. #4


    Great first solo mission Fred.

    I think I will minimize the rsik of defeat and send in:

    Capitaine de frégate Luc-Julien-Joseph Casabianca (Embuscade)
    Capitaine de frégate Joseph Marechallannes (Carmagnole)


    a Bellona class 3rd rate.

  5. #5
    Admiral of the White
    United States

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    Fred, may we use the Kickstarter Exclusive ships? They're not really part of Wave 1 so I would understand if you prefer we not use them. Thanks.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmoss View Post
    Fred, may we use the Kickstarter Exclusive ships? They're not really part of Wave 1 so I would understand if you prefer we not use them. Thanks.
    Personally I don't see any need to be too nitpicky. Mostly just have fun. I would definitely consider the KS ships as part of Wave 1. But I intentionally left the scenario parameters wide open, so if people don't have sufficient Wave 1 ships (or just really want to kick the tires on the new ships ) it should be possible to bring in Wave 2 ships also.

    I must admit I'm dying to give the 38/40 gun frigates some table time. I guess I will restrain myself for the "official run through & AAR," but maybe I will play it an extra time with Carmagnole and Alligator against a 3rd rate and see what happens

  7. #7
    Admiral of the White
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    Quote Originally Posted by fredmiracle View Post
    Personally I don't see any need to be too nitpicky. Mostly just have fun. I would definitely consider the KS ships as part of Wave 1. But I intentionally left the scenario parameters wide open, so if people don't have sufficient Wave 1 ships (or just really want to kick the tires on the new ships ) it should be possible to bring in Wave 2 ships also.

    I must admit I'm dying to give the 38/40 gun frigates some table time. I guess I will restrain myself for the "official run through & AAR," but maybe I will play it an extra time with Carmagnole and Alligator against a 3rd rate and see what happens
    Thanks for the quick reply.

    Do let us know what happens if you go with the Carmagnole and Alligator.

  8. #8
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    I will most likely run this scenario Wens. after work. The fledging American Navy shall be sailing-
    USS Essex (represented by the HMS Terpsichore), Commodore Colton Miller (Reloading Captain) commanding
    USS General Greene (represented by the HMS Cleopatra) Lt Ephraim Hil commanding

    Facing off against the Buque de Plata (represented by the Genereux)

    Really looking forward to it and some amazing and fun action.

    Hopefully my pictures are up to snuff also..

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by CSherrange View Post
    I will most likely run this scenario Wens. after work. The fledging American Navy shall be sailing-
    USS Essex (represented by the HMS Terpsichore), Commodore Colton Miller (Reloading Captain) commanding
    USS General Greene (represented by the HMS Cleopatra) Lt Ephraim Hil commanding

    Facing off against the Buque de Plata (represented by the Genereux)

    Really looking forward to it and some amazing and fun action.

    Hopefully my pictures are up to snuff also..
    I hope the fledgling USN can keep up with the privateers

  10. #10


    Fred great scenario, just played part way through (my first ever game of SOG...I'm a researcher and collector not so much a player) and what a tough ask for the frigates. I've figured some new approaches i'll try out, but will finish off the one I'm playing first where one frigate is surrendered and the other is trying to get some hits on the 74SOL without receiving any back.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Berthier View Post
    Fred great scenario, just played part way through (my first ever game of SOG...I'm a researcher and collector not so much a player) and what a tough ask for the frigates. I've figured some new approaches i'll try out, but will finish off the one I'm playing first where one frigate is surrendered and the other is trying to get some hits on the 74SOL without receiving any back.
    Yes, I really debated the balance. The first time playtested I had three frigates, and it was something of a cakewalk. After that I played it, I think, 5 times with two frigates, and won twice and lost three times. So not enough of a sample size to say whether it was balanced or not, but at least that it was winnable and losable

    But whether win or lose, I'm glad you had fun with it!

    Do let us know what happens if you replay it. I feel there is room for tactical refinement in the scenario, and even after 6 plays I don't feel I've really "got it" yet...

  12. #12
    Admiral of the White
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    I just finished a replay of the Treasure Galleon using the ships Commerce de Bordeaux as the Buque de Plata and the Hermione and Le Succes as the attacking frigates. What a totally different game! I did place the treasure ship much closer to the center of the mat edge, and that prevented any combat until turn 3 or 4? Collisions ruled the game (both friendly and with the enemy) and the AI was totally 'stubborn' when moving against taken aback frigates. Unfortunately I lost one frigate to the mat edge, which pretty much guaranteed the SoL would win. The last several turns were two ships (Hermione and Commerce de Bordeaux) locked together firing broadside every other turn and musketry every turn. Frigates wont last against that kind of abuse.

    I do think a win might have been possible without the loss of a second frigate? One of the frigates should have some artillery punch while the second has some strength in musketry. I went with Good Aim and Charismatic Captain on the frigates and CC on the Buque. Good Aim is a nice ability/skill.

    I may try a third game, but should actually start working on the August scenario. Cheers!


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