Quote Originally Posted by Ducky View Post
I believe musketry only needs sort of planning in advanced games where you need to plan the action to fire musketry;
So it needs no reloading and can be used in subsequent turns.

I always use the main mast ruling, could be the reason that there is a slight difference in where the color changes from red to orange between french and british design ships? I recall there is a difference...
Again, thanks for the answer(s).

I'll probably try one more basic rules solo game before I move on to standard and advanced rules. As I said before I think the grid system is working quite well. And while I would never claim to be a good sailor, I'm finding the AI system quite adroit at kicking my @!?%!

Will the current grid stay in place and a new one added for the Wave 2 ships or will Fred, you and others be modifying this one for inclusion of the new ships? If I recall correctly the upcoming scenarios aren't going to include any of the Wave 2 ships so it's not something that's urgent by any means.