Well WOG has been swamped by alternate aircraft suppliers (SRAM, Shapeways, reverisco etc etc)- what is interesting is that
1) WOG/W minis are very fine little models at a good price and continue to be in demand for the scouts
2) Selection of models to manufacture is make or break. The scouts all seemed to sell quite well, the bombers did not appear to (you can still pick up most of them even now pretty cheaply). The issue seems to be, how many bombers could you use anyway in a battle (1 maybe 2, 3 in multiplay) whereas you could easily handle scouts. Secondly, the bombers probably aren't as much fun to fly, instead they would benefit from using them in solitaire scenarios and put in place some "auto pilot rules". The release of their next set is again bombers but at least only 2 of each not 3 models but they are pricey because they are BIG.
3) The plethora of after market planes has actually stimulated interest in the system..look at the size of the forum on 3D printing over on the WOG site...Plus, the 3d printing can be produced, fast, very very fast. Demand for an aircraft design can see it appear in a week or two. Yes you have to paint them (and that isn't easy with the material they are made from) but the variety is mind boggling. Ares cannot hope to compete with that nor should they try. The 3D printing models are not as "nice" as the original minis but they allow the game system to have a life of it's own meaning any official release is going to be taken up by a large cohort of supporters even if they only appear once or twice a year.

So to ships...they need to produce what people will be able to easily play with in numerous scenarios and they need to be not expensive but not necessarily cheap. So by ease of play I mean, 74's and frigates, sloops...there are lots of actions these can be used in whereas if you have a 120gunner, moving like a snail and only usuable in maybe four or five battles what's the point of releasing a set of them? Anyine who wants a 120SOL can get them "after market" from GHQ etc, whereas attractive 74's and below, well painted would sell at much faster rate.

Will we see 3d printed ships? Probably...the aircraft production is still not without it's problems in consistent quality (I received an order of 30 nearly unusable planes which are being re-made now)- when they are good they are "pretty good" when they are bad though they are truly awful. I think the technology is going to improve dramatically and quickly and in maybe two years they will be able to make beautiful, accurate 3d models consistently. The possibility exists, at least in my mind which has it moments and absolutely no foundation upon which to make this claim, that perhaps they could produce 3d printed models in multi-colours removing the need to paint...you read it here first!!! ;)