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Thread: Unhappy Girlfriend

  1. #1

    Default Unhappy Girlfriend

    Well, after arriving in port earlier this week, my ships were resupplied and headed to sea!

    An unlucky British 74 came across a French 74 and battle ensued...

    This is the look you get after the first round of shooting - her front guns doing mostly 0's, my full broadside stripping a good 4 boxes off of her ship! Needless to say, she wasn't very happy.....

    Name:  Not Happy GF.jpg
Views: 830
Size:  56.7 KB

    I on the other hand was very happy, I at least got her to play a game of SoG with me!

    Things didn't end so well for the British in this encounter, and there were many more of these stares from across the table - followed by "I think somehow you're cheating".

    I'd say fun was had by all, but I guess I'll just have to leave it was had by me, and hopefully her? Love her to death by the way, she's a good sport for at least playing what she calls my "nerdy games" with me!

  2. #2
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    At the very least you need to get her some flowers and chocolate, amigo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
    Well, after arriving in port earlier this week, my ships were resupplied and headed to sea!

    An unlucky British 74 came across a French 74 and battle ensued...

    This is the look you get after the first round of shooting - her front guns doing mostly 0's, my full broadside stripping a good 4 boxes off of her ship! Needless to say, she wasn't very happy.....

    Name:  Not Happy GF.jpg
Views: 830
Size:  56.7 KB

    I on the other hand was very happy, I at least got her to play a game of SoG with me!

    Things didn't end so well for the British in this encounter, and there were many more of these stares from across the table - followed by "I think somehow you're cheating".

    I'd say fun was had by all, but I guess I'll just have to leave it was had by me, and hopefully her? Love her to death by the way, she's a good sport for at least playing what she calls my "nerdy games" with me!
    She's just setting you up for the big fall. Watch out on the re-match!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
    Well, after arriving in port earlier this week, my ships were resupplied and headed to sea!

    An unlucky British 74 came across a French 74 and battle ensued...

    This is the look you get after the first round of shooting - her front guns doing mostly 0's, my full broadside stripping a good 4 boxes off of her ship! Needless to say, she wasn't very happy.....

    Name:  Not Happy GF.jpg
Views: 830
Size:  56.7 KB

    I on the other hand was very happy, I at least got her to play a game of SoG with me!

    Things didn't end so well for the British in this encounter, and there were many more of these stares from across the table - followed by "I think somehow you're cheating".

    I'd say fun was had by all, but I guess I'll just have to leave it was had by me, and hopefully her? Love her to death by the way, she's a good sport for at least playing what she calls my "nerdy games" with me!

    If she ever notices that you gave her a frigate ships log, you're dog meat.

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    We must hook up and play. I am seeing a battle of the sexes campaign unfold before my eyes. A Persian buffet for lunch, and an afternoon of stares. We must set a date.

  6. #6


    Ha! I'm not sure I could convince her to play with anyone but me, Eric!

    Slowly she's warming to more complex games. We started with Yahtzee, now she wants to play this game called Ninja (sort of a hide and seek strategy game based in the Legend of the Five Rings universe), so I ordered it for her. She seems to like that sort of game, so next may be Letters to Whitechappel (Jack the Ripper version of the classic Scotland Yard more or less).

    I kept it REALLY simple, we only used the cards for movement, the wind direction, and shooting/damage. That's it (and even then we didn't check wind all that often and mostly just used the orange movement on the battle sails line). Any sort of mini game, I have to start her very slow, see if I can get her to enjoy it at all with bare bones concepts.

    Honestly though, after waiting so long from the con we played at, I was just happy to push some ships around!

  7. #7
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    Letters is quite fun.

    Have you played any pure coops?

  8. #8


    No, we haven't. We're getting more into games (really her, I've ALWAYS been into games) - I actually own X-Wing and she said she'd try that as well.... We'll see how that one goes when we actually try it. It's been sitting on the shelf for probably 3 months or more.

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    Coops can be fun for folks just getting into gaming. Last year (not used to that yet), we introduced several folks to gaming with Flashpoint, Police Precinct, etc. They really enjoyed it, and I believe, in part, because they didn't feel like idiots getting stomped by more experienced players. Working together against the board really reduces the risk for some.

    We played X-Wing this evening, my friend teaching a group of Jr. High boys and a couple of us adults, o.k. maybe semi-adults. It was fun.

  10. #10


    I think my girlfriend actually enjoys beating me! She keeps saying, wait until Ninja gets here, I'm going to beat your a$$!

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    Well O.K. then. I suggest ensuring you lose, at least the first couple of games.

    I need to check Ninja out.

  12. #12


    Yeah, there's some reviews of Ninja online. I picked up a copy for $20 (either Amazon or Miniaturemarket has them for ~$20). Had to pay $10 to ship it, but hey, a full game that looks to be of pretty good quality for $30 shipped to my door isn't half bad these days.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
    Yeah, there's some reviews of Ninja online. I picked up a copy for $20 (either Amazon or Miniaturemarket has them for ~$20). Had to pay $10 to ship it, but hey, a full game that looks to be of pretty good quality for $30 shipped to my door isn't half bad these days.
    Cheaper than going to the movies, and a lot more rewarding.

  14. #14


    Yeah, not to mention re-playability! Not sure they'd take my half ticket stub again to go see a movie twice! Speaking of movies...and prices....they've gotten ridiculous these days! Last time we went, I think we paid something like $50 for what amounts to a 2 hour experience. And that experience seems to be getting worse and worse, almost to the point that my GF and I don't see movies unless 1) We REALLY want to see that show, and 2) are going to go to one of the super deluxe theaters in the burbs that she likes.

    Otherwise, we wait for it to come on cable/DVD/Netflix/Redbox...or one of the myriad of other forms we've got to get movies these days.

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    I own Ninja. It's pretty fun and plays like Whitechapel.

    I'll echo Eric's assessment of coops being a good way to get her to play with others/larger groups. Eric mentioned Flashpoint and Police Precinct. They are great, and Police Precinct 2nd Ed is about a week away from ending on Kickstarter (yours truly is a technical consultant on it). Some other fantastic coops are...

    • Zombicide (think Walking Dead with pop culture iconic characters, such as Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis, Rick, etc.)
    • Battlestar Galactica - Like Police Precinct it has traitors who play secretly against everyone else, just Cylons instead of dirty cops.
    • Pandemic
    • Forbidden Island

    Those games are about all my wife will play outside of Wings of War/Glory, Sails of Glory, and X-Wing (theme here is she likes card-based movement). Most other boardgames she despises, as they have too many chances of having a kingmaker and most of the other women in our FLGS are hyper-competitive, which is a bad combo for fun when the ladies start accusing each other of king making their friends.

    Ryan, if your GF likes the secretive dealings of Ninja & Whitechapel, I'd suggest jumping on Police Precinct 2nd edition KS or BSG if she's a SciFi fan. It'll allow for coop play with friends but tickle the competitive juices with the hidden traitor rules. If Fantasy is more her speed, Days of Wonder makes a similar playing game as well with a King Arthur setting, "Shadows Over Camelot."

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    If you're looking for new games to check out for purchase/play or just want to watch some really entertaining video game reviews I highly recommend tuning into the folks at "Shut Up and Sit Down".

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    For wargames, this guy is great and entertaining:

  18. #18


    Thanks guys, I'll have to check them out!

    Ninja should be here this week, I'll see how that one goes before I plunge into a lot more games. Zombicide may be fun, we do watch Walking Dead together.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    Well O.K. then. I suggest ensuring you lose, at least the first couple of games.
    In business circles, I believe that is known as "Customer Golf"

  20. #20
    Able Seaman
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    In gaming circles, the YouTube series TableTop with actor Wil Wheaton has become particularly popular for showing off games. Forbidden Island, Tsuro, Ticket to Ride, or Carcassonne are great introductory games they have videos of.

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    You mean that guy who went from Annoying Wesley Crusher on Star Trek to Annoying Hacker "Chaos" on Leverage? LOL

  22. #22


    Yeah, I really like TableTop - it's a good series, and the way they do it makes it incredibly watchable and engaging.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
    Thanks guys, I'll have to check them out!

    Ninja should be here this week, I'll see how that one goes before I plunge into a lot more games. Zombicide may be fun, we do watch Walking Dead together.....
    I highly recommend Zombicide. I mostly play wargames but this one won me over. It's a very easy to learn, cooperative game with the zombies being ran by simple game mechanics. It can be played by 1 to 6 people(more if you get some expansions or use substitute miniatures) and has a "Walking Dead" feel to it. They have a great website with rules, printable character cards, extra scenarios, and much, much more. Here's the link if you would like to check it out:

  24. #24


    Yeah, I think the key is to keep exposing her to a few different "types" of games, see what she's more drawn too. So far, she really likes Yahtzee, we've gotten plenty of re-playability out of that one!

    Looking to step up the sophistication a bit from that one though....

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    A girlfriend willing to play your nerdy games with you and still date you after you beat her?

    Someone has to say it:

    "She's a keeper!".

  26. #26


    If one can find a girlfriend that will paint miniatures for you, she's also a keeper.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Holofernes View Post
    A girlfriend willing to play your nerdy games with you and still date you after you beat her?

    Someone has to say it:

    "She's a keeper!".
    Quote Originally Posted by Coog View Post
    If one can find a girlfriend that will paint miniatures for you, she's also a keeper.
    Agreed. High marks indeed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    You mean that guy who went from Annoying Wesley Crusher on Star Trek to Annoying Hacker "Chaos" on Leverage? LOL
    Don't forget he also played annoying comic book mogul Miles Sklar on the series Numb3rs (Episode "Graphic" 2007)
    The episode also marked an appearance of Christopher Lloyd as a legendary comic creator.

    In the epilogue of that episode, there is a line where Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch) tells Ross Moore (Christopher Lloyd) that he just couldn't picture him as the hippie he says he was in his younger years.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coog View Post
    If one can find a girlfriend that will paint miniatures for you, she's also a keeper.
    How about a wife? Sue reluctantly came into gaming a couple of years ago as I started to play Pathfinder. By the third session, she started getting into it. Then came WoG. I was surprised she enjoyed it as much as she did. Then we went to Origins last year, and she painted her first mini there. Now, I am hoping to catch up with her.

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    Eric, maybe I should ask her if she'd be game for a commissioned project--I have a horde of WWII miniature ships that need some variety in their paint schemes, and trying to do Measure 31-32-33 camo schemes on destroyers is the stuff of psychotic episodes with my unsteady hands.

    Seriously, would you believe in order to keep a steady brush hand I have to either build jigs or draw and print masks in my CAD suite?

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    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    How about a wife? Sue reluctantly came into gaming a couple of years ago as I started to play Pathfinder. By the third session, she started getting into it. Then came WoG. I was surprised she enjoyed it as much as she did. Then we went to Origins last year, and she painted her first mini there. Now, I am hoping to catch up with her.
    Sue is a beast with a Bomber!!! Enjoyed WoG!!!!! I think you did underestimate her!!! (I now have this picture of Sue, Beth, and maybe Ryan's gal at a Scramble in bombers bearing down on my Fokker, and the emotion of FEAR is present as I cringe at the sight!!!)

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    Many gamer guys upon meeting my wife for the first time ask her if she has a sister who isn't married yet. Her reply? "Yes, and legion are the reasons."

    Also, I should clarify an earlier statement where I mentioned most of the other women in our FLGS are hyper competitive...

    That'd be 2 of the 3 we used to play with on a regular basis. And I was a tad inaccurate thinking about it, as one only plays at conventions nearby, never at the FLGS.

    The other wife who isn't WAAC (Win At All Costs) is also the only one besides mine who likes cooperative games. So coop might have little to do with it, other than my wife doesn't have to think of an excuse to not play a game one of the other two offer up, or someone suggests that the other two want to play.

    But to be fair to both genders, both of those WAAC ladies are married to WAAC men, and there are several other guys who frequent our playing venues who are jerks as well.

    Which is why we've created a gaming club with our more laid back gamer friends, and taken to setting up game times with them in advance. Then we pick a game or games based upon how many of us will be there so we don't appear rude by not allowing others to play. Much easier to say, "I'm sorry, it's a 4 player game and Scott & Jon are meeting us here in any minute now."

    Of course, in tournaments and leagues, our gaming club, W.O.M.B.A.T.S. (Warriors of Miniatures, Boardgames, and Tactical Simulations), ramps up and gets our competitive juices flowing. We're just not going to fudge rules or argue millimeters to get the win. A medal/trophy/store credit reward earned with dignity is much sweeter than one won without. And losing a minis tourney whilst keeping ones integrity and temper intact is more important than winning a tourney and losing the other two. Integrity is the only thing in this world which can't be taken from you by another. Only you can give it up.


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