Quote Originally Posted by FlyXwire View Post
Still waiting. From now on I'm strictly shopping retail (I don't even want to hear a word that sounds anything like A$$ Kicker).
I must agree with you on that account. I have two more KS to play out and one still has 23 days to go (Power Up 3.0), the other I suspect will end up worse than this one (Robotech). That one raised over 1.4 million and already has over 62,000 comments, mostly angry backers. We were told the game was almost finished at the end of KS and yet we keep getting picture of newly sculpted figures, doesn't sound even close to being done. These pieces aren't even assembled or painted. I suspect possibly fall or winter release. Online game store has the game for pre-order and for a lot less money. I have no desire to paint over 200 minatures so if my son no longer wants the game, it will be for sale. Since it seems most KS items will be available for retail only days after the last backer, I'll just wait and buy it then. Maybe I'll pay a little more but the price I'll save isn't worth the months of broken promises or the constant wait for a tracking number or checking the email a hundred times a day. Now I go back to waiting for my SOG play mats.