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Thread: Good Extras vs Dust Collectors

  1. #1
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    Default Good Extras vs Dust Collectors

    With the surveys fast approaching on the horizon, what should I do with the extra $20 I pledged for the bags we Captains achieved....

    At first, I was thinking of just getting 5 extra smoke cloud sets (exactly $20). But, I am wondering about adding more $ to get an extra set of the 4 KS exclusive ships. However, as a collector, I'm sure I'll get every ship that comes out, and don't honestly foresee needing to double-up with sister ships outside of historical scenarios. I also don't think I'll be painting/modding much, as my spare time for such I'd rather be golfing or playing more games. (My hobbling days are mostly behind me).

    How many of you honestly foresee needing multiples of the same ship? Especially those who will have the 18 to start and plan on buying all available in each wave?

    I doubt I'll need more than two mats (table space at FLGS are all 4' x 8' - a third mat would only be useful for a rather oblong game). But I'm open to reasoning here.

    Any other suggestions? Where are my fellow Anchorage mates going to spend their post KS coins to add on to their base pledge levels?

  2. #2
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    I am picking up the Victory and Constitution, and extra mats - I plan on running games at local cons and FLGS. I am not necessarily looking to do large games, but two tables with two mats apiece. The mats seemed to me to be a good bargain as far as extras go. From Keith's comments, having an additional AI would be useful. Originally, I was going to pick up the crew cards, but I think I will receive enough via stretch goals.

    So in order, I would suggest:
    USS Constitution and/or HMS Victory
    Game Mat

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    I am picking up the Victory and Constitution, and extra mats - I plan on running games at local cons and FLGS. I am not necessarily looking to do large games, but two tables with two mats apiece. The mats seemed to me to be a good bargain as far as extras go. From Keith's comments, having an additional AI would be useful. Originally, I was going to pick up the crew cards, but I think I will receive enough via stretch goals.

    So in order, I would suggest:
    USS Constitution and/or HMS Victory
    Game Mat
    I have already included the USS Constitution and HMS Victory. I should have mentioned I have at least 1 of every option and am at the Captains Level.

    Is the AI in the base game being replaced by the wooden one? I figured one wooden, one cardboard would suffice.
    Last edited by Cool Breeze; 05-03-2013 at 12:20. Reason: Removed superfluous character.

  4. #4
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    Personally I am not adding any more additional ships at this time. I want to understand the game play first. It sounds like one ship (maybe two Frigates) is the sweet spot for involvement and play. I'm not supporting any conventions or tournaments but want to have enough ships for family and friends to play casual games as well as be competitive at the FLGS. I've got that covered.

    As more variety of ships are introduced or I get experience with the game and change my mind on what current ships I want in my fleet I'll add them on. But I think Constitution/Victory and a total of 2 mats is a nice starting point without risking "dust collection".

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    I am considering purchasing more than one Constitution, in order to play some War of 1812 type scenarios to include the United States and/or the President. But outside of those scenarios, an extra mat might serve you better. Alternatively, you could buy some extra Captain and Crew Ability decks, as these will not be immediately available from Ares, so you might make a little money re-selling them on eBay.

  6. #6


    I'm probably going to get an extra Victory/Constitution, just to sit on the shelf for the future. Might need to use them to get something else later in a trade or sale.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cool Breeze View Post
    Is the AI in the base game being replaced by the wooden one? I figured one wooden, one cardboard would suffice.
    I just looked at the KS page, and I don't believe the wooden AI is a replacement, but is an addition. The same is true for the ruler. If I am wrong, someone please correct me.

  8. #8


    [QUOTE=Cool Breeze;13015] How many of you honestly foresee needing multiples of the same ship? QUOTE]

    I have way over 100 WoG models if that answers your question.

  9. #9


    I doubt I'll have more than two per class...and that's for 74's and under.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Cool Breeze View Post

    How many of you honestly foresee needing multiples of the same ship?
    Need vs want, two completely different questions...

  11. #11
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    I could see getting two of each with the double sided cards, that way you could have everything on the table. But in doing something like that it would make more sense, to me, to have the extra game mat to accomodate that many models. With you getting ~20 models you already would have a crowded map, so it would seem a map would be a better choice. Just my thinking out loud.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    I just looked at the KS page, and I don't believe the wooden AI is a replacement, but is an addition. The same is true for the ruler. If I am wrong, someone please correct me.
    I believe you are right as well. That's why I'm not ordering extras of the wooden upgrades. The standard ones in the starter would be fine for sharing.

    I like the idea of a second Constitution. I would have to look at possible scenarios that would have more than one fighting together against some of the British ship classes we have available though...

  13. #13
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    If I can't get some locals to play, the whole game is going to be a dust collector for me. Whimper whine whimper whine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf03809 View Post
    I believe you are right as well. That's why I'm not ordering extras of the wooden upgrades. The standard ones in the starter would be fine for sharing.

    I like the idea of a second Constitution. I would have to look at possible scenarios that would have more than one fighting together against some of the British ship classes we have available though...
    Having just finished reading "Six Frigates," I can tell you that there weren't any significant engagements which included two of the US Frigates together. However, there was a point at which much of the fleet was divided into two squadrons, which included two frigates each. I don't have the book in front of me, but IIRC, the squadrons were effectively blockaded in New England ports, so there was never an opportunity for a major engagement. But it does make for a possible scenario of a blockade run...

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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenLaborMike View Post
    Having just finished reading "Six Frigates," I can tell you that there weren't any significant engagements which included two of the US Frigates together. However, there was a point at which much of the fleet was divided into two squadrons, which included two frigates each. I don't have the book in front of me, but IIRC, the squadrons were effectively blockaded in New England ports, so there was never an opportunity for a major engagement. But it does make for a possible scenario of a blockade run...
    I'm working towards a scenario where the USN goes after Broke's squadron at the War's outset -- the strategy, as such, is to smash that squadron; then turn north and put Halifax's naval facilities to the torch.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by csadn View Post
    I'm working towards a scenario where the USN goes after Broke's squadron at the War's outset -- the strategy, as such, is to smash that squadron; then turn north and put Halifax's naval facilities to the torch.
    Are you looking at using just Rodgers' squadron, which had all the frigates (3) available to go to sea at the outset, or a hypothetical using all the U.S. frigates (7)?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coog View Post
    Are you looking at using just Rodgers' squadron, which had all the frigates (3) available to go to sea at the outset, or a hypothetical using all the U.S. frigates (7)?
    You are just baiting me into buying more than 2 Constitutions. Curse you...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coog View Post
    Are you looking at using just Rodgers' squadron, which had all the frigates (3) available to go to sea at the outset, or a hypothetical using all the U.S. frigates (7)?
    Well, when I ran it using _WS&IM_, I used the "Original Six" -- I know Broke only had five, but one of those was a (small) SoL. The assumption was: Someone more competent than Madison was running the show from '08, so the ships were all ready and crewed for the War, instead of only being available in dribs and drabs.

  19. #19
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    Victory and Constitution I'm doing just one each since it sounds like the variant logs will all be "same ship, different vintage", but everything else I'm getting two: one as-is, and one for the "flip side" version, with later repaint or reflag as needed between the various French ensigns and the RN's three administrative squadrons (Red, White, Blue).

    Other than that, I'm not picking up any for repaints or extras, and will wait for the reprint series.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jasperrdm View Post
    If I can't get some locals to play, the whole game is going to be a dust collector for me. Whimper whine whimper whine.
    I've got to think that if you have a FLGS, local college with a student "study lounge" type area, or accomodating public library,
    bringing in some ships and associated bits and setting them up will attract A LOT of attention and prevent such dust collection.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichardPF View Post
    I've got to think that if you have a FLGS, local college with a student "study lounge" type area, or accomodating public library,
    bringing in some ships and associated bits and setting them up will attract A LOT of attention and prevent such dust collection.
    This is one of the reasons I am looking at minis, now, for different eras such as AoS, ancients, ACW. Growing up playing hex and chit games, I enjoy traditional wargames. Trying to get others into them is a bit difficult - especially historical reenactments. I think setting up a table of minis has (1) the needed visuals and (2) a look of accessibility, especially WoG and SoG in which the game mechanism doesn't look complex.

    There is a public library in Urbana that has a quiet room. Every 2nd Saturday from 2:00 to closing, it is reserved for gaming. We were there working once when the gamers came in. All different ages, etc. I imagine having some mats and ships or planes out would be a good draw. With the strong emphasis on Magic and other fantasy games where we currently live, I think SoG or WoG must be on the table to secure interest - announcements of Tuesday night WoG or SoG will not suffice except for the few who already play. Such attempts at drawing others has guided my extra purchases.

  22. #22


    Great ideas Eric, pirating marketing!!


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