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Thread: Hobbies other than AoS

  1. #101


    Battletech was also available as a collectible card game (maybe 15 years ago??) but by the third expansion they had broken the game with killer cards.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenLaborMike View Post
    So is that a recommendation for Rivet Wars? I am looking for something fun for my 8 year old.
    I think so. Rules seemed easy enough for the 8year old to follow, but there's strategy for my 17year old. Take a look at the info for the KS if it's available, but they have you tube clips for the rules explanation so you can make your own assessment.

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berthier View Post
    It's possible to get medication to get rid of the little gamer on your soldier...if you want to.
    Why would I want to do that?

    Actually, interacting with folks on the Anchorage and Aerodrome has increased my desire to game.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHolgren View Post
    I was that way with Rivet Wars. A bit cartoony, but I need to find games that can be engaging enough for a 17 year old and simple and fast moving enough for an 8 year old both with ADHD.
    I have a four y/o that finds Star Wars X-Wing from Fantasy Flight Games engaging enough. I like it because there are enough layers to the rules that you can customize the game to suit any age. I started my son with the basic "quick-start" rules they provide in the core set. Once he got used to those, I started introducing other rules, one at a time. Being 4 he has some trouble with the spacial aspects of the game, i.e. selecting the correct turn direction relative to his ship position. But he still has fun and he's learning. I'd expect an 8 y/o would probably handle it much better.

    Fantasy Flight also has a simple strategy board game that we like to play. It's a bit cartoony and might not appeal to the 17 y/o (at first). It's called "Hey, That's My Fish." As an ADHD sufferer myself, I can tell you this is a good one for kids who have trouble focusing. The rules are simple, the game board is never the same any two times you play it, it's fast, and it all fits in a 6" x 6" x 1" inch box so it travels exceptionally well. On the surface it seems like a rather benign game, but the more we play it as a family, the more cut-throat the games seem to get.

  5. #105
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    My 10 and 8 year olds enjoy Star Wars XWing (as do I and several of my hobby shop buddies). My youngest, 5, helps me in play by rolling the dice and telling me what direction he things we should turn and how fast we should go but I then pick the appropriate move from that. My older two are good (my oldest gives me a run for my money in most games we play) and I wouldn't expect my youngest to be a match yet for them.

    I hope to find SOG very similar in that it lets my children play and enjoy the game as a family.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berthier View Post
    It's possible to get medication to get rid of the little gamer on your soldier...if you want to.
    If you're married, just save all your receipts and leave them for your spouse to find. Or you can do what I did to cure my Bass Pro Shop addiction. Have your wife help you "organize" your gaming gear. (I have enough fishing and hunting gear to open my own store.)

    If that doesn't provide a "cure" you have THE BEST SPOUSE EVER, or you're completely hopeless. In either case, I'd just go with it and keep having fun.

  7. #107


    The little gamer on my shoulder spent so much and got so heavy........

    I had to get another one for the other shoulder to even everything up

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf03809 View Post
    ...My youngest, 5, helps me in play by rolling the dice and telling me what direction he things we should turn and how fast we should go but I then pick the appropriate move from that. ...
    I hope to find SOG very similar in that it lets my children play and enjoy the game as a family.
    My 4 y/o is murder with the x-wing dice. I'm thinking of taking him to a casino he's so freaking lucky.

    I ditto your SoG sentiment. My dad is retired Navy and a big O'Brian fan. I introduced him to WoG on Easter and told him about SoG after we played. He's licking his chops until he can get his hands on a couple ships so he and his grandson can school me on naval tactics.

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coyote View Post
    If you're married, just save all your receipts and leave them for your spouse to find. Or you can do what I did to cure my Bass Pro Shop addiction. Have your wife help you "organize" your gaming gear. (I have enough fishing and hunting gear to open my own store.)

    If that doesn't provide a "cure" you have THE BEST SPOUSE EVER, or you're completely hopeless. In either case, I'd just go with it and keep having fun.
    Good advice Lord Captain Charles, Second Beef of Wellington.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coyote View Post
    Looking at the tattoo, I was going to guess you were one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. If you'd called yourself "Gunny" instead of "Gunner," I would have for sure. I spent the first half my life living on Navy bases and only ever seen forearm ink like that on Sailors and Marines. I was neither, but I trained a lot of the former in my later years. I think you guys all get your ink from the same shop in the Phillippines.
    Gunner is a term we use for Chief Warrant Officer. From the picture he looks like a classic WO and I could see referring to him as Gunner. It was specifically created for a particular MOS (I can't remember which one at the moment) but when I was in any CWO was referred to as Gunner.

    So, Gunner, were you a CWO?

  11. #111


    While spending is a consideration, it's become more of a problem of "what to do with all this stuff." I 've got tons of stuff that I got for gaming that I never use. I've finally narrowed my buying to getting items that expand just a few select games I already have and pass on some new games that look really good, especially when there is no reliable gaming community in my area for the games I play. Although I'm making an exception by adding SOG, I will be real selective in what items I get for the game in the future based on what ships do I really need and what ships do I really like.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by The J View Post
    Gunner is a term we use for Chief Warrant Officer. From the picture he looks like a classic WO and I could see referring to him as Gunner. It was specifically created for a particular MOS (I can't remember which one at the moment) but when I was in any CWO was referred to as Gunner.

    So, Gunner, were you a CWO?
    I learned something new. I've heard army and air force refer to CWO's as "Chief." If Marines use "Gunner" I'd hate to be a Navy CWO in a joint services operation.

    Army: "Chief, We need you, Quick!"
    Marine: "Hurry, Gunner! Our lives depend on your leadership and quick thinking!"
    Navy CWO Who's not a Gunner's Mate: [looking over his shoulder to see who those other guys are talking to.]

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coyote View Post
    I learned something new. I've heard army and air force refer to CWO's as "Chief." If Marines use "Gunner" I'd hate to be a Navy CWO in a joint services operation.

    Army: "Chief, We need you, Quick!"
    Marine: "Hurry, Gunner! Our lives depend on your leadership and quick thinking!"
    Navy CWO Who's not a Gunner's Mate: [looking over his shoulder to see who those other guys are talking to.]
    In my experience, whenever they mixed services, they put the Marine in charge. When I went to Army schools I was the class leader though at least half of the Army dogs there outranked me. I realize you were referring to combat ops, where they never put a Marine in Charge. Chesty Puller quote about Vietnam "Give me 2 Divisions and I will be in Peking by the end of the year" kind of shows why . . . nobody wanted to be in Peking! (As with ALL Chesty Puller Quotes, he may never have actually said anything remotely like that, but Marines will attribute to him without reservation).

  14. #114


    Gunner was a name I picked for this Naval site. Nothing to do with my time in the Corps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coyote View Post
    I learned something new. I've heard army and air force refer to CWO's as "Chief." If Marines use "Gunner" I'd hate to be a Navy CWO in a joint services operation.

    Army: "Chief, We need you, Quick!"
    Marine: "Hurry, Gunner! Our lives depend on your leadership and quick thinking!"
    Navy CWO Who's not a Gunner's Mate: [looking over his shoulder to see who those other guys are talking to.]

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coyote View Post
    I have a four y/o that finds Star Wars X-Wing from Fantasy Flight Games engaging enough. I like it because there are enough layers to the rules that you can customize the game to suit any age. I started my son with the basic "quick-start" rules they provide in the core set. Once he got used to those, I started introducing other rules, one at a time. Being 4 he has some trouble with the spacial aspects of the game, i.e. selecting the correct turn direction relative to his ship position. But he still has fun and he's learning. I'd expect an 8 y/o would probably handle it much better.

    Fantasy Flight also has a simple strategy board game that we like to play. It's a bit cartoony and might not appeal to the 17 y/o (at first). It's called "Hey, That's My Fish." As an ADHD sufferer myself, I can tell you this is a good one for kids who have trouble focusing. The rules are simple, the game board is never the same any two times you play it, it's fast, and it all fits in a 6" x 6" x 1" inch box so it travels exceptionally well. On the surface it seems like a rather benign game, but the more we play it as a family, the more cut-throat the games seem to get.
    We've cast the net pretty wide to try and find games both like to play. Mice and mystics, Belfort, and sentinels of the multiverse are the current favorites. Dungeon Fighter is popular as well and good for some laughs, some of the shots you have to make are impossible, but fun to try.

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf03809 View Post
    My 10 and 8 year olds enjoy Star Wars XWing (as do I and several of my hobby shop buddies). My youngest, 5, helps me in play by rolling the dice and telling me what direction he things we should turn and how fast we should go but I then pick the appropriate move from that. My older two are good (my oldest gives me a run for my money in most games we play) and I wouldn't expect my youngest to be a match yet for them.

    I hope to find SOG very similar in that it lets my children play and enjoy the game as a family.
    That's what I'm hoping for. The oldest starts to get frustrated if the younger one starts to drag out his turns. Also, my youngest focuses on beating his big brother. I just have to mop up the pieces after he does that.

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    Avi, do they teach Cooper's Four Rules (that being #1) in the IDF, or are you independently a student of the field? :)
    Had to look them up...
    I guess someone had sneak peek before writing the IDF safety instructions.
    1-3 are actually taught (with some minor variations)
    (always loaded; don't point; finger out of trigger guard)

    4 is part of "rules of engagement" - as there are many combat situation when you fire upon things without really knowing what they are.
    (don't shoot without examining background)

    "Pointing" and "trigger play" is the reason many recruits will stay the weekend on base...

  18. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Gunner View Post
    Gunner was a name I picked for this Naval site. Nothing to do with my time in the Corps.
    I always thought of your name as being for the warrant officer position aboard sailing ships as follows:

  19. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunner View Post
    The most important rule, #5 Control your adrenaline and hit what you aim at.
    Covered by #4 -- if you're too jacked up to aim properly, you're more of a hazard to yourself than your target.

    "Slow is smooth; smooth is fast." (Ask any race driver who's been told to "slow down" by his crew chief, changed his driving style to be slow, and got yelled at for gaining half-a-second per lap.... :) )

  20. #120


    [QUOTE=csadn;12339]Covered by #4 -- if you're too jacked up to aim properly, you're more of a hazard to yourself than your target.

    Rule 4 has nothing to do with how the adrenal rush affects shaking. You must have a mind set of how you will react to a life theatening situation. Not just talk.

  21. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by csadn View Post
    "Slow is smooth; smooth is fast."
    Continuing from the same quote...
    "... You need to learn to shoot slow in a hurry."--Wyatt Earp

    "Fast is fine, but Accurate is FINAL."--also Wyatt Earp

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunner View Post
    You must have a mind set of how you will react to a life theatening situation. Not just talk.
    Why I used to tell my defensive students that somewhere around 75% of successful self-defense comes through study and meditation--you have to ask yourself how much your life and the lives of yur loved ones mean to you, and as I always told them, "If you cannot look me in the eye without hesitation and tell me that you will value the lives of yourself, your significant other or your children more than the life of an aggressor who intends to take them from you, both you and society are better off that you not carry--because those who do not have the resolve to use a weapon they carry usually end up giving it up to someone who DOES, whether handing over or taken from their corpse."

    You can be the best instructor for skills in the world, you can be the best builder for hardware in the world, but there is NOTHING you can do to fix someone who fundamentally lacks SHEER WILL.
    Last edited by Diamondback; 04-24-2013 at 15:27.

  22. #122


    Looks like we agree. You must have a mind set. I know I have. After moving in a new house at 3AM. I heard a noise, went downstairs and heard a clunk, I spun cocked and pointed and almost shot my icemaker. But since it wasn't armed I put my SAA away and went back to bed.
    True story.

  23. #123
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    Hey, I shot myself in the butt once... granted, it was only Airsoft, but still... :o (Though that's really more for a "Your Most Embarrassing Moment" thread. LOL)

    "Never trust a mechanical safety."

  24. #124


    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    Hey, I shot myself in the butt once... granted, it was only Airsoft, but still... :o (Though that's really more for a "Your Most Embarrassing Moment" thread. LOL)

    "Never trust a mechanical safety."
    A lesson learned at a cheap price.

  25. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    "Never trust a mechanical safety."
    Reminds me of:

  26. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunner View Post
    Gunner was a name I picked for this Naval site. Nothing to do with my time in the Corps.
    This might come as a shock to some, but I'm not really a coyote either. Although if anyone believes otherwise I should probably take that as a hint to stop licking my &@!!$ in public.

  27. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coyote View Post
    I've heard army and air force refer to CWO's as "Chief."
    In the Air Force, Chief is an E-9 Chief Master Sergeant. They tend to be truly respectable people. I had a lot of admiration for all of the chiefs I knew.

  28. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHolgren View Post
    That's what I'm hoping for. The oldest starts to get frustrated if the younger one starts to drag out his turns. Also, my youngest focuses on beating his big brother. I just have to mop up the pieces after he does that.
    I regret not mentioning this before (if I did, forgive me, I misplaced my memory somewhere) but this morning a KS ended for a game coming out next year called Myth. It is a cooperative board game with minis and cards set in dungeons. No beating each other as you have to work together, and probably interesting enough to all age groups due to being fantasy. Another game you might want to look at is Flash Point - a cooperative firefighting game - very easy and a lot of fun.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    In the Air Force, Chief is an E-9 Chief Master Sergeant. They tend to be truly respectable people. I had a lot of admiration for all of the chiefs I knew.
    My mistake. Like I said, I grew up and later instructed Navy so I'm not too familiar with the other services. To me "Chief" always meant E-7. Add a "Senior" for E-8 and "Master" for E-9. My dad is the "Master" variety (retired). And I completely agree, they are truly respectible people. I'm 41 years old and still I keep my ears open and mouth shut when they have something to say.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    I regret not mentioning this before (if I did, forgive me, I misplaced my memory somewhere) but this morning a KS ended for a game coming out next year called Myth. It is a cooperative board game with minis and cards set in dungeons. No beating each other as you have to work together, and probably interesting enough to all age groups due to being fantasy. Another game you might want to look at is Flash Point - a cooperative firefighting game - very easy and a lot of fun.
    I read your post yesterday and got in on it last minute. Thanks.

  31. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    In the Air Force, Chief is an E-9 Chief Master Sergeant. They tend to be truly respectable people. I had a lot of admiration for all of the chiefs I knew.
    Another use of Chief in the AF is for Crew Chief out on the flight line.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CHolgren View Post
    I read your post yesterday and got in on it last minute. Thanks.
    Great. I can't remember five minutes in the past these days. I can't believe the stretch goals. I am still trying to figure that KS out.

  33. #133


    The Air Force actually quite giving Warrants back in the 80's and increased the number of E-9 Chief Master Sergeant slots. As far as I know the AF is the only US armed force that doesn't employ Warrants. Also, the Army in the early 90's started comminssioning Warrant Officers when you achieved the CW2 rank. Your still a warrant officer but hold a commission. Doesn't make any sense to me, but what ever. I've never been a WO so?

    I've had the utmost respect for Warrants despite being in two helicopter incidents, one near mid air collision, and one that hit a tree. Fortunately, had extra skivies in the ruck sack!

    But yes, the Army does refer to CW2's and above as Chief, and many WO's insist upon it.

  34. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by Berthier View Post
    Battletech was also available as a collectible card game (maybe 15 years ago??) but by the third expansion they had broken the game with killer cards.
    I have a buddy that has that. His decks are pretty balanced. We break it out once every year or so and have a good battle.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    Great. I can't remember five minutes in the past these days. I can't believe the stretch goals. I am still trying to figure that KS out.
    It was crazy. Something like half a million generated in the last 48 hours. The stretch goals look great as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HMS Lydia View Post
    Also, the Army in the early 90's started comminssioning Warrant Officers when you achieved the CW2 rank. Your still a warrant officer but hold a commission. Doesn't make any sense to me, but what ever.
    Are you sure about that? It is conflicting since there are two different pay and promotion scales and the origin of the authority is different. The Warrant Officer receives their station from the Secretary of the Army, while a Commissioned Officer receives their station from the President. I don't see how the paperwork can work out for that. LES would be off, DD214 wouldn't make sense etc.

  37. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaLazarus View Post
    Are you sure about that? It is conflicting since there are two different pay and promotion scales and the origin of the authority is different. The Warrant Officer receives their station from the Secretary of the Army, while a Commissioned Officer receives their station from the President. I don't see how the paperwork can work out for that. LES would be off, DD214 wouldn't make sense etc.
    Oh yes I'm sure. Read the Warrant Officers Association PDF:

    I believe it boiled down to authority. Warrants in the army wear specialist Warrant Officers. Warrants were techically never supposed to appear in the Chain of Command. Anyway that what I was told by a retired Army Personnel Officer.

    Omega: your the first person I ever heard says something in the Army doesn't make sense with a straight face.

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    I fly airplanes for fun. That is the reason I was so interested in WGF. But, that has flown the coop in anticipation of SGN. Got some X-Wing that I tried and now looking to get rid of them (anyone interested?). A few board games but not many. My big enjoyment time would be online competitive video games like World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, World of Battleships (when it comes out) and the like.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Barrelman View Post
    I fly airplanes for fun. That is the reason I was so interested in WGF. But, that has flown the coop in anticipation of SGN. Got some X-Wing that I tried and now looking to get rid of them (anyone interested?). A few board games but not many. My big enjoyment time would be online competitive video games like World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, World of Battleships (when it comes out) and the like.
    If your X-Wing stuff is still available, I might be interested. PM me if it's still for sale.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    You can be the best instructor for skills in the world, you can be the best builder for hardware in the world, but there is NOTHING you can do to fix someone who fundamentally lacks SHEER WILL.
    People who know me know that is *not* one of my myriad failings. :)

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    Quote Originally Posted by HMS Lydia View Post
    Omega: your the first person I ever heard says something in the Army doesn't make sense with a straight face.
    Yeah, I don't what I was thinking there. Point fully taken. I am just surprised that 15 years later, they were teaching us the wrong info on a tradoc level. What I posted is definitely what I learned about CoC while I was in training and that was long after the info was no longer true. Weird.

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    So, a quick question. I was considering purchasing the Roman seas port pdf. They are 1:300 scale. Is it safe to assume that if I reduce the image to 25% that I would then have 1:1200 scale buildings? Is it that easy or would I be wrong?

    I figured it was an inexpensive fix for coastal terrain and would give me something to do during the wait for SGN

  43. #143


    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaLazarus View Post
    Yeah, I don't what I was thinking there. Point fully taken. I am just surprised that 15 years later, they were teaching us the wrong info on a tradoc level. What I posted is definitely what I learned about CoC while I was in training and that was long after the info was no longer true. Weird.
    I'm not knocking TRADOC because they manage a lot of material, but they are generally behind in updates. Fortunately, a lot of training material never changes. But when something does, and depending on the priority, pub updates can be put off or sent out as a change insert. But also, I think when teaching Basic you have to keep things as straight foward as you can, and the whole Warrant Officer concept to begin with, confuses many new soldiers.

  44. #144


    Quote Originally Posted by CHolgren View Post
    So, a quick question. I was considering purchasing the Roman seas port pdf. They are 1:300 scale. Is it safe to assume that if I reduce the image to 25% that I would then have 1:1200 scale buildings? Is it that easy or would I be wrong?

    I figured it was an inexpensive fix for coastal terrain and would give me something to do during the wait for SGN
    Yep, 300 divided by 1200 is .25

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunner View Post
    Yep, 300 divided by 1200 is .25
    Thanks Ed. Not that I didn't get the math, it just never seems to scale when I try something like this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CHolgren View Post
    So, a quick question. I was considering purchasing the Roman seas port pdf. They are 1:300 scale. Is it safe to assume that if I reduce the image to 25% that I would then have 1:1200 scale buildings? Is it that easy or would I be wrong?

    I figured it was an inexpensive fix for coastal terrain and would give me something to do during the wait for SGN
    I assume your ordering from the company you listed on another thread. If so, let us know what you think of their minis - quality, etc. I am intrigued by their collection, and I will be playing War Galley by GMT throughout the summer with a friend. I wouldn't mind picking up some of these minis if they're decently enough made. The cost is not prohibitive in terms of building up small fleets.

    Let us know how the scaling works for you.

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    Well gents I'm off to get ready for Chicago Whiskey Fest. I'm hoping to get a seat in the scotch and fudge pairing seminar. Hopefully this year I won't carry on a five minute conversation with my wife who wasn't there. That had my brother-in-law rolling down the streets.

  48. #148


    Quote Originally Posted by CHolgren View Post
    Thanks Ed. Not that I didn't get the math, it just never seems to scale when I try something like this.
    Stand in line. Right behind me. I'm never sure if it's the printer or me.

  49. #149


    I feel your pain. It seems like I go through the better part of a color ink cartridge and numerous sheets of card stock before I can get it right.

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    What? There are color printers?

    I think for those of us of a certain age, the words technologically challenged comes to mind.


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