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Thread: Gentlemen, Lt. Bush reports to duty - New Player

  1. #1

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    Lt. William Bush

    Default Gentlemen, Lt. Bush reports to duty - New Player


    I have been ordered and directed to report to the commanding Admiral Bligh with the utmost despatch at this Anchorage for duty, and I am pleased to convey that my application has been considered and accepted by the Navy Board.

    I shall be known henceforth as Lt. William Bush, at your service.

    As rumor always seems to travel faster than people, you may have already heard something among the men about my background:

    I came across SoG for the first time approximately five years ago at the "Spiel" games fair in Essen, Germany. Ares Games had a stand there and a game going on caught my eye. A short while later, I found myself in command of the HMS Terpsichore (32) after its commander had been incapacitated in battle with a small French squadron. The Basic Rules were simple enough for starters, and having the weather gauge I was able to put an end to the courage of La Courageuse (34). This rewarding experience in the service of our Majesty kindled the desire to purchase the game instantly. However, I had to convince myself that discretion was the better part of valor as exceeding the assigned funds for the games fair would surely have resulted in a severe reprimand from the "long haired general" at home whom all judicious men wisely know to respect.

    Last year, the winds were favorable, and I made a precise landfall off the shores of the Ares stand at "Spiel" in Essen. Remembering the advice of Adm. Nelson to "always go straight at 'em", I embarked on a daring cutting out action, which came at a dire cost. Yet, a vast prize was won in the form of a Starter Kit, Ocean mats, and an improbable number of sloops and ships.

    Tidings of this glorious action fortified with a liberal issue of port resulted in two other promising men, too jingled to avoid the press gang, which I had presciently posted outside the inn, being won for the cause. They awoke last week-end on the high seas to prove their worth in their first engagement. I am embarrassed to report that these infernal lubbers contrieved to mutually sink each other in a collision with the rest of the squadron looking on in stunned consternation.

    Being well bred and of excellent connections, they somehow accomplished to be acquitted by the court martial, which laid the blame for this mortifying incident on a ravishing French Mademoiselle waving her kerchief to them from an enemy vessel during the engagement.

    In an effort to put the fire in these two gentlemen to better use, rumor speaks of their future assignment to some fire ship.

    I say, let us raise a toast to our Majesty, the King!


    Though new to SoG, I am not exactly a novice to gaming. I originally hail from the Pen&Paper Roleplaying Game sector in which I dabbled for roughly three decades playing and running campaings mostly in a Rolemaster on Middle-Earth context. To up the ante on "Rulemaster", I also have taken a delve into tactical wargames, namely Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) since about 25 years. But as we say there: "I am still learning..." With many commitments and only so much time, it is hard to tell how much time (and ships) I will sink into SoG. In any case, the prospect of possibly having recruited two other people in town for face-to-face play appears promising.

    Lt. William Bush
    Last edited by William Bush; 01-21-2023 at 19:36.
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  2. #2
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    May I be the first to officially welcome you to the Anchorage Lt Bush.
    please make yourself at home in the wardroom and introduce yourself to your fellow officers as they return from whatever duty they are currently embarked upon.
    May you always sail with a fair wind and a willing enemy.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  3. #3


    Welcome to the Anchorage, Lt Bush.

  4. #4
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    A hearty welcome from me as well, Lt. Bush!

  5. #5

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    Hallo Mr. Bush,
    herzlich willkommen im Forum. Unsere Flotten im Raum Bonn / Düsseldorf werden hoffentlich im April wieder auslaufen. Vielleicht begegnet man sich dann ja mal zur Seeschlacht !

  6. #6
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    Welcome Mr Bush, may fair winds fill your sails and if you have any questions dont hesitate, someone will have an answer for you.

  7. #7

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    Welcome Lt Bush, that was a great introduction, hopefully you will find enough time not only to play the game but post tales of dearing do on the high seas in the AAR section of the forum.

  8. #8
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Well John, from the intro it looks as if Lt. Bush might be able to give Jon Vagabond a run for his money in the yarn telling stakes.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  9. #9

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    Lt. William Bush



    I thank you all for this kind welcome. I am most obliged.

    Your illustrous company makes me feel like the young midshipman again, when I was carving the meat at the captain's table for the first time. Burdenend by the fact that English is not my native language, you might find that I will at times struggle to strike the right note in conversation. I will attempt to redeem this flaw by judiciously attending to duty.

    Currently at the Anchorage, I might disclose that sails may be set in the middle of the coming month. Until then, I will further acquaint myself with the men my fellow officers, and the vessel.

    Bonn and Düsseldorf are not far away. Indeed, I have ties to the former city. Conceivably it might be possible to join squadrons in April. If you please, I will await despatches with further details.

    Lt. Bush
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Argo View Post
    Hallo Mr. Bush,
    herzlich willkommen im Forum. Unsere Flotten im Raum Bonn / Düsseldorf werden hoffentlich im April wieder auslaufen. Vielleicht begegnet man sich dann ja mal zur Seeschlacht !

    ist dies ein Con oder ein einfaches Treffen? Ich bin ab und zu in Bonn und D'Dorf ist auch nicht allzu weit entfernt.

    Lt. Bush
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  11. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by William Bush View Post

    ist dies ein Con oder ein einfaches Treffen? Ich bin ab und zu in Bonn und D'Dorf ist auch nicht allzu weit entfernt.

    Lt. Bush
    Hi, ich habe Dir eine PN geschickt .

  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by Argo View Post
    Hi, ich habe Dir eine PN geschickt .
    Danke, habe ich gesehen und beantwortet.

    Lt. Bush
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  13. #13

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    I have accumulated quite a backlog of After Action Reports that I should write:

    The first one for the first "standard" scenario "Enemy in Sight!" dating back to last March.
    The second one for a larger action, a modified "Plundering the Town"
    The third one for an action just finished "Against the Outpost".

    Hard to tell, when I will have the opportunity to tackle this.

    At least a very brief description of what transpired tonight "Against the Outpost".

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    I commanded the French ships. The British set up taking advantage of the weather gauge and apparently planning to skirt by on the right and then turning in to shoot at the outpost on the island.

    The French ships set up facing towards the island under backing sails with the intention to let the British catch up and then to cross into their path blocking progress towards the island, which would not be trivial as the wind was blowing from the right side.

    Despite the British moving in under full sails and the French under backing sails, it took the Royal Navy quite a while to catch up, so that I became concerned of getting to close to the islands and reefs.

    As it turned out, Genereux suceeded in crossing the T of HMS Terpsichore and raking her from the front with a devastating broadside that caused sail damage, rudder damage and punched two leaks into the hull. HMS Terpsichore was doomed and could only stay afloat by using her last action to man the pumps or go down after having repaired one leak. Instead, the vailiantly opted to go down in a blaze of glory firing one last feeble forward broadside on Courageuse.

    Both French ships were taken aback. While the Courageuse managed to turn in on turn, Genereux took two. Yet both French vessels were situated in a way, that the onrushing HMS Defence could not hit Genereux, while being hit by her at close range. HMS Defence fired a continuous long range broadside, while Courageuse could reply just within half-range and thus creating B damage. Consequently, HMS Defence took more than she could give.

    In the next turn, HMS Defence and Genereux collided and had a go at each other with guns and muskets, while Courageuse was able to further pound the English ship of the line. As the odds were getting long for HMS Defence, we called it a victory for my French squadron.

    Lt. Bush
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  14. #14

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    it has been quite some time that you have had word from me. In fact, I have been stranded on Obligation Island in the dreaded Chore Archipelago for months. It is well known to all sailors, that escaping from there is a daunting challenge as the vindictive currents and adverse winds foil any attempts unless fortuna plays your hand.

    Yet, I have partaken in a frigate action with Argo and JackAubrey1805 recently, the Battle of Cape Santa Maria on the 5th of October 1804. To preserve the peace by depriving the Spanish from their silver necessary for initiating a war, the British Admiralty ordered a squadron of four English frigates to stop a squadron of four Spanish frigates laden with silver and to offer them relinquishing their ships and treasure without battle and internment of the Spanish crews in England. The Spaniards insidiously rejected this gracious offer by opening fire instead.

    The British squadron of HMS Indefatigable, HMS Sybille, HMS Concorde, and HMS Topaze were represented by the HMS Indefatigable, HMS Sybille, HMS Concorde, and HMS Topaze. The Spanish squadron of Mahonesa, Esmeralda, Preciosa, and Venganza were represented by La Medea, Mercedes, La Fama, and Santa Clara.

    The objective for the British was to board the Spanish treasure ships and to bring them to England, while under no circumstances to sink any of them. The objective for the Spanish was to avoid just that but escape from the playing area. It would be considered a Spanish victory if they contrieved to leave the playing area via the west-edge with 3 or 4 ships. Doing so with 2 would be considered a draw, while escaping with none or just one frigate would be considered an English victory.

    The opening broadsides by the Spanish severely battered HMS Topaze, which lost a mast immediately. This had the effect that this frigate was busy with repairs and was lagging behind for most of the action struggling to get on course. I found myself in command of HMS Sybille and HMS Concorde. The former was immediately in distress as well, receiving a leak and a fire by the opening broadsides. However, HMS Sybille suceeded quite heroically to extinguish the fire and to plug the leak only to receive a second one while still working the pumps to get out the water. Eventually, all repairs had been completed and the frigate took on the Spanish. HMS Concorde lost a mast as well, but with luck, she stayed on course and could batter the Spanish while being jury rigged.

    HMS Indefatigable, the strongest ship of the English squadron, did most of the fighting. Due to the initial setbacks, it was quite clear from the beginning, that Preciosa would be out of range and escape without hope to catch her. Firing high, Mahonesa eventually lost all her masts and surrendered, while Esmeralda lost all her crew to surrender as well. Venganza was handled roughshot, but just managed to escape by the barest of margins.

    The result of the action was thus a draw.

    Lt. Bush
    Last edited by William Bush; 10-06-2023 at 22:33.
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  15. #15
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    Good to hear from you again Lt.
    I have a box of chits and other goodies delivered from the States by Tim who passed them on to me at Doncaster.
    If you give me a delivery address I will forward them on to you.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  16. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    Good to hear from you again Lt.
    I have a box of chits and other goodies delivered from the States by Tim who passed them on to me at Doncaster.
    If you give me a delivery address I will forward them on to you.



    this is too kind. I will send you a personal message post haste.

    Lt. Bush
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  17. #17
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Good to have you back with us again, Lt. Bush!

    Suzanne and I have been making good use of the port you sent. Great to hear that the chits have almost finished their voyage.

  18. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobbs View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Good to have you back with us again, Lt. Bush!

    Suzanne and I have been making good use of the port you sent. Great to hear that the chits have almost finished their voyage.
    Mr. Dobbs,

    thank you for your kind words. I am delighted to hear that the port which I have despatched has been safely stowed on board and that your spouse and you find it agreeable. A toast to the King and to both of you!

    Lt. Bush
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  19. #19

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    I am delighted to report, that today during the forenoon watch, the improbable squadron of the frigates Embuscade, Hermione, and USS Atlanta (in the form of the ship logs and card decks) made it to port flying British colors. In the holds there was the precious cargo of six of the rare and elusive ship mats along with the appropriate counters despatched by the good Mr. Dobbs.

    The squadron was commanded by no less that the Hon. Admiral Bligh himself on the last leg of the voyage, valiantly breaking a blockade of French ships of the line intent of capturing the vessels along with the cargo.

    I extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Dobbs and Admiral Bligh, whose efforts and outstanding camaraderie have now greatly improved the logistics of the local fleet, which is now able to operate 6 additional ships at a given time, raising the total by one third from 12 to 18.

    Lt. Bush
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  20. #20
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    Message from the Admiralty.

    Having received notification from Lt Bush via the semaphore station at Portsmouth regarding the arrival of our squadron dispatched from the United States to Europe, I am instructed by their Lordships to mention in despatches the not insubstantial part played in this complex operation by our factor in the USA Mr Jager, and also our ships pilot Mr. Tim Hague, known as Flying Helmut, who oversaw the perilous voyage across the Atlantic without running the ships aground thus ensuring their safe arrival at a British port.

    Yr servant. Wm. Bligh. Secretary to the Navy Board.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  21. #21
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    Note for the pedantic!

    The meaning of dispatch and despatch is the act of sending someone or something to a location. Both spellings are correct, but dispatch is the American spelling, while despatch is the British variant of the term. Despatch is now a rare spelling considered an alternate form of dispatch.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  22. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    Note for the pedantic!

    The meaning of dispatch and despatch is the act of sending someone or something to a location. Both spellings are correct, but dispatch is the American spelling, while despatch is the British variant of the term. Despatch is now a rare spelling considered an alternate form of dispatch.

    Oh my! I am mortified of having let slip that expression commonly used by the tars from the colonies...

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Lt. Bush
    "Jeder Krieg, auch der siegreiche, ist ein Unglück für das eigene Volk, denn kein Landerwerb, keine Milliarden können Menschenleben ersetzen und die Trauer der Familien aufwiegen."
    Helmuth von Moltke d. Ä.

  23. #23
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Do not worry Mr Bush it is probably something transmitted you from your freshly arrived squadron from the American station. No doubt something that they picked up whilst in that area.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.


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