To christen my new games table and mat I invited Captain Kiwi to a game on Saturday.
This was to be an HEIC mission to clear the Eastern Indian Ocean of a 50 gun French Privateer which had been preying on the East Indiamen sailing home from Canton. To accomplish the mission and ferret out the Privateer, Captain Kiwi had the Frigate HEIC Nottingham, 44, whilst I sailed in the HEIC Aurora, 16 intending to search inshore of the Nottingham and discover where the Frenchman was hiding amongst the inlets and Islets. The French 50 was to be AI controlled, and as my role was the least onerous I was to run that part of the mission whilst preventing the Frenchman from sinking the little Aurora.
The story takes up where the Aurora has not only ferreted out the French but caused them to come roaring after her in an attempt to prevent their hideout becoming known. Firing a signal gun the Aurora attracts Captain Kiwi to the scene of action.
This is what followed.:-

The set up at the start of the action.
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Captain Kiwi sights the chase and gets underway.
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Both ships try to close the Aurora, The Frenchman has the wind gauge.
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Kiwi turns to Port to close the Aurora, whilst the French bow chaser tries the range but misses.
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Bligh turns Aurora downwind to try and maximize the distance from the Frenchman.
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Kiwi turns harder to port to attempt to mask the Aurora from the French chasers and if possible cross her bow.
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It looks as if he may achieve his objective.

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To distract the French ship he fires an opening long range broadside, to which the French cannot reply being loaded with Chain shot to disable the Sloop.
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With the dexterity that only an expert crew can accomplish the 50 comes about and turns the tables on Captain Kiwi by crossing his stern.
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Meanwhile Aurora makes good her escape.
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The French chain shot makes some inroads into the Nottingham raking her sails and masts.
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Not enough damage to prevent Captain Kiwi starting his next maneuver.
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Nottingham is now shielding Aurora.
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Furthermore employing his chase gun he manages to hit the French ships bow.
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Kiwi then turns to Port to try for the weather gauge.
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The French 50 now makes a turn to Port herself to keep the distance between the two ships down.
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Putting his helm over to starboard once more Kiwi deftly out maneuvers his opponent and delivers a telling broadside to which the Frenchman can only reply with his forrard battery.
Nottingham's shooting has not only damaged the 80's rudder but also set her on fire amidships.
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The French return simply damages Nottingham's bow below the waterline and splinters account for several of the crew.
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All could now see the name Leander painted on her stern, as she turned away from the conflict so that her crew could the better put out the fire still trying to take a hold on her deck.
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Unfortunately no sooner was the fire extinguished than Captain Kiwi turned his ship swiftly to Starboard and rammed into Leander's already damaged bows.
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Only small arms fire from the tops was possible, but the Bombay Marine showed their superior skills.
By now both ships were disentangled, neither having sufficient crew to risk a boarding action.

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Aurora had made good her escape.
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As both ships broke free of each other's embrace another round of musketry took place. Once again the Sepoy marksmen proving their worth.
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Both ships now tacked.
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Nottingham proving to be the most nimble came out ahead, and heading the Leander crossed her bows. A final raking broadside finally put paid to the Frenchman's aspirations as a new conflagration broke out, With her steering also shot away the Leander's colours hurriedly came down.
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