A year ago, one of the authors of a Crowdfunding contacted me to make a representation of the ship El Galicia. This ship fought under the orders of Don Blas de Lezo in the battle of siege for Cartagena de Indias (from May 13 to May 20, 1741).
The small diorama in scale 1/1200 has dimensions 11 x 7 x 5.5 cm, in which I represented the ship El Galicia after the heavy fighting against the British. After an arduous struggle in numerical inferiority, with hardly any ammunition and with part of the artillery dismantled for defense on land, Blas de Lezo had to leave El Galicia and ordered to sink it. The British rushed to capture it before it sank and used it as a floating battery against the Spanish forts. Finally, on April 28, a few days before the British withdrawal, El Galicia was sunk by the British because it was a useless ship and was not to be able to equip him with sailors for his government.

Regarding the modeling part. In order to represent the ship El Galicia I used a Spanish boat of the Langton miniatures brand.
Keep in mind that El Galicia was a ship launched in 1729 and the Langton ships represent ships from the second half of the 18th century. Therefore, I had to make small changes, especially in the stern of the boat.
By the other hand, to represent the precarious situation in which the ship was, the author of the Crowfunding gave me a series of pictures to base me on.
The modifications to be carried out were:
1) Remodeling the stern of the vessel.
2) Remove all guns from the top and starboard deck. These guns were sent to the different Spanish forts for defense. For this reason Blas de Lezo, could only use one side (larboard) against the British, but they did not know.
3) The upper deck was rebuilt in the part of the poop deck.
4) The bow of the ship was remodeled, in the Spanish style of the beginning of the century.
5) Some drillings was made on the ship's hull to represent the damages.
6) The masts were cut to represent the moment when Blas de Lezo ordered the ship to be dismantled for later sinking. The ship was never dismasted by the British, they found it like that.
7) The ratlines are basic to represent that were also dismantled to not allow the goberanbilidad of the boat.
8) Small boats with sailors were added to represent the exact moment when Blas de Lezo left El Galicia to continue the fight on land from the forts.

To finish, I add the link to the Crowdfunding of this comic that I hope you like.


Photos of processes

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Final photos

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