Thanks to all for the input here, it has made some interesting reading.
I am returning to my books after looking at the spreadsheet from Richard to ponder.

As for the stats comitee, if I have come over suggesting that the group were in anyway wrong or invalid then please take my apologies.
For me the requests to this commitee is to see if the sugestions made seem valid and in line with other stats in the same vein, so I am looking for affirmatives or stop talking rubbish suggestions. All taken in the vein of making the stats playable gamewise, lets not forget that bit , it is a game afterall.

I think we all agree that the Spanish stats , for whatever reason, seem to be a bit over powerful and this has lead to some healthy debate for which I for one am grateful.
I know sails is not a definitive Napoleonic Naval simulation, but it is a great game and I like it to be as accurate as possible.

So as a general thing do we agree that the stats I put forward capture the ST as per Ares other Spanish or too much

I tried to give her a bit more in the gunnery due to the number of guns, but not too much due to experience with game play.
I did not give an extra damage box as she was an upgraded Merigildos class hence same burden and movement deck.

I have given an extra box for crew due to the extra compliment of crew.

Now, I have copied all of my ship mats and laminated to help preserve so it would be reasonably easy to change the stats for the Spanish, to bring them into line with the British and French ships. It has been said to reduce the stats by 1 to do this, my question here is would it be a -1 from all the stats ie Full broadside, front arc and rear arc, or only the central broadside figure?
Is -1 enough or does it need to be more? I ask the stats chaps here as I bow to their expertise in this manner not to make an issue just you may have more experience and better references than I have.
If we can come to consensus here Ill adjust then upload to the files section all the Spanish, plus a few others that I have done.
I dont think it breaks any copyright as they will be for personal use or are ships not published by Ares.

What say you chaps