It is two yeas since I split my main allegiance from WOG to SOG and in that time have attended every game show, Doncaster events as well as participating in a monthly battle with a certain Capt. Bligh.

The main point about the above statement is the lack off both activity and visibility of the bulk of the members. It cannot be due to lack of numbers by going through the UK members list for SOG It appears we are in fine fettle as far as numbers are concerned. So where are you.

Game day tables are like the Marie Celeste compared to our compatriots in the air. Actual missions be them SOG organised or just between friends fellow/members are non existent, as are mission reports and feedback.

Can we blame geography with regards to shows maybe as to return travel to one day show is not viable for some members. However if members were to look at the members list you will see that the number of members that actually live in the same regions is quiet large.

Also it seems that the Number of AI missions being undertaken is dropping this is reflected in the lack of reports posted.

SOG will not survive with out members being active I have witnessed first hand the demise of wargames clubs due to the very things I have mentioned the biggest reason is always apathy, everyone knew what the issues were but everyone thought it was some one else's problem to sort out.

Believe me it does not fall on the administrators of SOG to solve they work hard enough we are a club and every club member has duty to have an input if they do not believe that then I may ask why are you in it.

From my perspective when I joined sails there was not enough activity to learn the game nor did I feel confident to undertake the AI missions. but thanks to Capt Bligh and the monthly battles and discussions we have I am ready for my next journey, you never know one day we may play advanced rules.

Find out if there are members in your area or nearby and set up regular games myself and Capt Bligh as said meet once a month rotating the venue between homes the home side sets the scenario.

Lets be an active club not an apathetic one both ships are on the horizon only you can choose which one to crew

Andy (Captain Kiwi)