Three British and 3 French Ships of the line awoke to find they had been on parell course during the night. Both squadrons were inline astern with the wind advantage to the French who immediately turned to engage the British.
However it was the British ships that got the first shots in. The lead French ship taking a pounding. The remainder of the French ships were soon in the fight.
I being the last British ship had turned trying to get on the other side of the French but was pushed back by a red wind.
After a heavy pounding the lead French ship sunk shortly followed by the lead British ship. After some delicate tacking I finaly got to the battle to recived and give out damage. However just when we thought we could give it a go the second British ship got hit reciveding 13 orange hits from raking fire. This ship sunk the next turn.
I was the last British ship damaged at the with 2 Frenchmen after me. So I took some green wind and got of table, before the two French ships could catch me. A well played game by the French.
(Ps thanks to Peter for his notes and there were no photes taken)