It's been a while since we have had a Sails of Glory game here, so it was well overdue when three of us gathered for a small frigate action. I took the opportunity to use the Spanish Ifigenia, a model I've had for a while but untested in battle.

I won't try and describe the battle in detail, but in general terms there was, as usual a bit of jostling for the advantage of wind before the two squadrons were fully engaged. The French Embuscade and Spanish Ifigenia were outgunned by HMS Unite and HMS Sybille, yet the allies approached the British fighting to gain a better position.

The French Embuscade was first to fire and unleashed a broadside on HMS Sybille, who returned fire with equal determination. At the same time the Spanish Ifigenia exchanged broadsides with HMS Unite. However, HMS Unite critically lost a mast. Her captain now struggled to manoeuvre her while undertaking repair. Critically HMS Unite was effectively out of the action.

Miscalculating the enemies speed Ifigenia moved too close to the larger HMS Sybille and the two ships became entangled. Spanish marines however fought with determination and soon crew casualties on HMS Sybille become telling. The French Embuscade, who manoeuvred close to the wind, also came about. Both Embuscade and Ifigenia delivered further broadsides the later with grape. The casualties again fell mostly among the crew of the King's ship. Now the Spanish crew, emboldened by imminent success, poured aboard HMS Sybille. Unable to withstand Spanish steel the crew capitulated, providing Spain with a wonderful prize.

It was a most glorious day for Spain!