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Thread: AAR April Letters of Marque scenario 2: It's in the bag Tom, in the bag I tell you!

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    Default AAR April Letters of Marque scenario 2: It's in the bag Tom, in the bag I tell you!

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    "Well aarrgggh m'hearties, let me warm up ma'hint end at this roaring log fire. Pull up a chair and a jug and one for owld Tom and I'll tell yee more tales of Old Slippery Jim. Aye those were th'days. Now, who's up first with me grog a'fore I start the telling like......?

    Yuragud'n my friend agud'n. (Slurp). Wipes mouth with back of sleeve and rests arm on the fire mantle.....

    Now after'n that last little venture we went in search of a rumour Jim 'ad 'erred of'n a sloop carrying payment forrah garrison. Now we thought, that'll be a nice earner for us and all. Well it took us 3 days to find the right bay and it twer nearon dark when we spotted them, did I say them...well listen close and don't interupt like, (Slurp) aye there wuz not one but two oh'them Frenchie sloops o'war. Sitting nice and gentle like in this bay with a great fortress overlooken em!

    Name:  march april sog sceanrios 050 (640x360).jpg
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    Well Jim weren't havin nun o'that. He order the Big 'E' to sail on hoping we hadn't been spotted seeing hows the moon was ahint the fortres,s there was little chance we wuz spotted. So we dropped anchor like, ahint this island.

    Name:  march april sog sceanrios 052 (640x360).jpg
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    Jim called a war council, he did that often as he said two heads wuz better than one..I nearly said there wuz twenty heads like Jim but I thought better and kept me trap shut. (slurp).

    So Jim laid out iz plan like this......

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    Cap'n Jim launched the ships boats and with as many men as he could fit in they set off and rowed around the island into the bay.

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    I wuz in command of one boat and the Cap'n t'other. We could see the sloops plain as day with the moon lighting them up twaz easy enough. Jim's plan wuz to take each ship in turn, surprise was needed and we baorded the first with ease.

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    The anchor watch wuz asleep (0) and we soon took the boat over. Nice little thing she was too.

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    Jim left me aboard with some men to get ready to sail in the morn when the next part o'his plan would unfold....what was it...well wait and don't rush me....'nd for that matter I'm dry and no grog. So no more tale until I have another..........'bout time matey, thought you'd left me high'nd dry on a deserted beach....well we wuz once but that's another story for another day. Now where wuz I..oh yes.

    So Jim and the rest of the lads climbed the gunwhale, that's the bit on a ship that stops yee fallen into the sea madam, and onto the next one as they were side by side like. Well blow me, their anchor watch must a'been asleep (0) as Jim soon had that boat all done and dusted too, well apart from the captain who must a woke up sharpish (C) and managed to gather some men but they were soon put to rights afore the alarm wuz raised. All we had to do wuz wait for daylight.

    Name:  march april sog sceanrios 058 (640x360).jpg
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    So as the dawn broke the Big 'E' sailed into the bay and let rip a broadside, fair near shat m'pants I did as I'd took to just closing me eyes. Alseep madam, nay just checking the inside of me eyelids for holes. Common ailment when you been at sea as long as I. How long madam? Well neeron 40 years, man and boy.......but I digress from me tale.....

    Name:  march april sog sceanrios 059 (640x360).jpg
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    That wuz our signal to hoist sail and skedaddle out of the bay, all part of the plan. So we did, right under the guns o'that big fortress.

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    We met up later well out at sea. And we struck it rich, A chest of treasure and some funny looking parchments in another ches,t that Jim had taken to his cabin sharpish like.

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    Butchers Bill:
    Not a man lost nor a shot hit home.

    2 lovely sloops to add to our fleet!

    1. Played this as a cutting out Rob, hope you don't mind.
    2. As I boarded I drew an E chit a zero meant surprise a crewman and the alarm was raised.
    3. First boat was taken over quietly.
    4. The second went down to the last man before the alarm was raised I deemed it too little too late and the fort slept on unawares of what had befallen the two sloops.
    5. Terminus Est's arrival in the morning with a broadside falling short was the signal for the sloops to make their exit.
    6. As I thought this might have happened then I deemed it again that the fort would not open fire on it's own sloops thinking they were still under friendly control.
    Last edited by Union Jack; 04-07-2016 at 15:53.


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