Hey all.

Just had my 2nd game with Morten (Tordenskjold). It was a fun game or rather 2 fun games, because we played 2 games last night.

The first game was Shallow water? (canīt remember the name)
We where playing standard rules, and only with the ships from the starterset

If was a steedy sea to sail on. Only small waves on the sea.
The wind came from the north.
One of my shipmates took eyes on to ships out in the open wather. It was to french ships. LOAD THE CANNONS.
The battle was about to begin.


We got closer and starting to fire the cannons

My next move was a bit of a failer. My ship (HMS Meleager) hits the shallow reef. Took some damage.

Then Morten did the same, He runned (Unité) to ground to. BUT his ship couldnīt fire at my ship. But my ship could fire Fore act cannons at his.
So i lined up a shot that killed the crew. Mortens Frigate was out of the game

Then for a couple of rounds my ship of the line (Vanguad) was sailing around the island so it could comeback around and shoot at Mortens Ship (Aquilon)
But then diseaster hits again. I hit another reef marker a got stuck.

Morten did then turned on a plate with his ship and took the change of following me around the island, but then Aquilons captain was a bit to drunk. He took his wheel and turned the wrong way. The island was in the way from the ship. it got stuckd too.

Now all ships are rounded to ground. The game finshed and Morten came out with a small victory because his ship that was left are a ship of the line.

The second game I won. So now the standing is 2-2