Captain John Shortland, briefly looked up from his papers as his First Lieutenant, Henry Maxwell, entered the cabin. “Ah, Maxwell my good man how goes it on top?’, “Remarkably well Sir” replied Maxwell, “Prize crews have been transferred and are on their way, everything is expected to be squared away on board by the end of the watch.” Shortland nodded absently, returning to the dispatch he was in the process of completing, regarding the ships action earlier in the day. Shortland read through it again, as Maxwell waited patiently for his Captain to return to the present, after a few minutes he nodded to himself and finally put it down.

Looking up he asked with genuine concern, “How goes young Templeton?” The young Midshipman, Andrew Templeton was well liked by all the hands and had received several nasty wounds from flying splinters, “The Doctor believes he will survive” replied Maxwell. “Well that is good news, he was a deathly colour when they took him below, I must confess I feared the worse, and the remainder of the wounded?” “Several are unlikely see out the night, McKean, Richmond and Barlow; but most are expected to recover” replied Maxwell. “Very good, very good” nodded Shortland, “tell the doctor I will call by and speak with the wounded once I complete this report to the Admiral.” Very well Sir” Maxwell replied.

Shortland looked to his papers again meaning to dismiss Maxwell and continue the report, but instead put down his quill. The Captain gazed across at his new First Lieutenant in contemplation, and rising to his feet, he offered his hand saying, “I must also congratulate you Maxwell for the exemplary way you conducted yourself today, no Captain could ask for more from his first.” Maxwell took Shortland’s hand and gave a slight inclination of his head in thanks. Shortland continued, “I have nearly completed my report of our recent action for our new Admiral and I made specific mention of your conduct. I trust this will lead to a ship of your own in the future. I will see to it you have the chance to meet Philip when we join his squadron.” Shortland smiled briefly reflecting on his new commander. “He is a wonderful man and commander; I was the Masters Mate on the Sirius when he commanded the First Fleet to the colony of New South Wales, where he served as its first Governor. Rose from an ordinary seaman to a Governor of a new colony and now an Admiral, a most remarkable man.”

Maxwell released the captain’s hand, saying “You do me a most singular honour sir”. “Nonsense” replied Shortland, “it is well deserved. Now if you will excuse me I must finish this report while the action remains to the front of my mind. I would be most grateful if you could see to it I remain undisturbed for the next hour.” “Certainly Sir and can I offer you my congratulations on a most successful engagement.” Replied the Lieutenant. Maxwell turned and left his Captain in peace. Shortland looked out at the sea and allowed his mind to drift over the events of the day.

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For several days a sail has been seen following HMS Concorde, turning to investigate, Captain Shortland discovers it to be in fact a French Frigate (Carmagnole) attempting to seize a friendly merchantman. The order is to set full sails and intercept, Concorde turns into the wind and heads in a northerly direction. Double shot is loaded on all guns.

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Proceeding north sailing close to the wind. It is now noted the merchantman is indeed being boarded.

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Continuing on the same heading

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The French Frigate has taken her prize, and prepares to defend herself.

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HMS Concorde turns to the west, the Carmagnole moves to engage, while the Merchantman moves in the opposite direction.

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Sails are reduced to Battle sails and the Concorde turns her guns to meet the approaching French Frigate.

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The French Captain has judged the situation poorly and sails directly into a disastrous raking broadside from HMS Concorde.

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The damage to the Carmagnole is significant.

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HMS Concorde sailing into the wind tacks to meet the Frigate and the Shortland orders marksmen to be ready and to reload the port guns with round shot. The French Frigate off balance from the previous broadside, turns and runs into HMS Concorde whilst attempting to fix her leak and ready her sharp shooters.

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The French Ship is able to bring her front guns to bear and knocks out a single slot on Concorde, due to the shock of the collision musket fire is ineffective from both ships.

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The situation between the two vessels is stark.

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HMS Concorde prepares for boarding, however the Carmagnole sails behind the Concorde and the opportunity is lost, and fortunately as her guns are being reloaded no raking shot is to be had.

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HMS Concorde reduces sail and repairs her damage. The French Captain thinking HMS Concorde is breaking off to chase the merchantman, foolishly turns into the wind to continue her attack.

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HMS Concorde increases sail again and turns back into the wind, whilst the Carmagnole turns to bring her guns to bear. The merchantman turns into the wind to avoid the approaching Concorde.

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The Carmagnole fires with no success. HMS Concorde being double shotted is out of range and needs to close the distance. The Frenchman takes the opportunity to repair some of her extensive damage.

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HMS Concorde turns to bring her guns to bear again, whilst the French Frigate moves into the wind and turns. The prize crew on the merchantman seeing the stark situation their shipmates are facing bravely turns to face her guns to the Concorde.

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Once again the French Captain has poorly judged the situation and turns to face a raking from the Concorde’s front canons. The Merchantman fires and the Concorde with no alternative returns fire with a full broadside.

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The damage to the French ship is once again extensive, several fires break out, and further damage to the sails and crew losses occur.

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With so few men to service the guns on the Merchantman the valiant effort came to naught.

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The Concorde’s answer to the merchantman’s broadside is devastating, she strikes her colours immediately.

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Shots are fired from the rigging felling more men, including the French Frigate’s captain. The Carmagnole First Lieutenant realising the situation is hopeless strikes her colours.

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HMS Concorde: I forgot the rule about the enemy ship not being able to fire muskets so two of the crew damages need to be removed.

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Wasn’t sure where I was supposed to take the prize crew from, so I chose the last three slots.

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Not sure if my gunners enthusiasm resulted in the merchantman being sent to the bottom.