Or the Spanish Job.

Outside the port of Cartagena Captain Don Denis Diego Wadeagar 80 gun ship Heroe, attracts the attention of Captain Framlingham Kyte RN. commanding the 74 HMS Bellerophon.

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A swift broadside from the British ship holes the Spaniard in three places, despite several shots splashing down outside the vessel.

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The next pass is not nearly so effective with only steering damage and some crew loss to the Belleraphon.

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However, the reply is equally weak.

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Passing across the Heroe's bow, Kyte rakes the Spanish ship and sets it on fire.

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The two vessels then close and a fusillade from the Fighting Tops is exchanged, without boarding.

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His ship in Irons, once again Wadeagar is out manoeuvred, and this time the Forrard rake from the Bellerophon is so devastating as to render the Heroe unmanageable.

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Another fire breaks out, and Wadeagar is forced to capitulate.

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Though wounded in the action Captain Kyte despatches his First Lt. in the ships Cutter to take possession of the Spaniard, and invite the valiant Captain Don Denis Diego Wadeagar and his Officers to take supper with him aboard the Bellerophon.

The Butcher's Bill.

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