Ok, really, first I was only getting WoGF. I don't want to play WoGS, first is plenty. Well, just two planes won't hurt anything. Why not? Ok, I am fine. I have this under control. Sails of Glory... Hmm, I have read Horatio Hornblower since I was a child. Jack Aubrey was like a second father to me growing up. No, Tom, just no. I don't have the time or money to sink into another game. WoGF and WoGS are plenty. Well, maybe just the starter set (It was ordered and is on the way). It is a sickness. I can't control it anymore, I even blame my son, "Hun, it get him away from the video games." I am giving up. Soon, I'll have a fleet I am sure.

Anyway, just wanted to stop in and say hello. Maybe, time permitting I'll be able to fit in some AAR's and the such. I will be sure to check back once the ships arrive and the first game is played.