I play in a local Game Night every Thursday (or as many as I can) in south Jersey (the Philly part). Several years ago, the host, had Wings of Glory (WGF), and a few of us got it out. I very much enjoyed it and asked for WGS for my birthday/Christmas. Got it. Didn't play too much actually, but last summer got more interested and my son (aged 11) played and tried to start a campaign. It worked much better in the cold winter months. We have 30 (ish) planes in total, including a 8 of the Merit brand (4 for $15 type).

Having read Horatio Hornblower as a youth, and then watched the PBS show and and read the books again more recently, I've had an affinity for Napoleonic ships. But I was determined not to do this, as there are only so many games and $$$ one can do. I did the Magic thing, then Dominion, collect DC comics, and I'm a completionist, and it's hard enough NOT to do that w/ WGS & looking at SOG, would be too much. I did get into the Pirates game (w/ the cardboard ships) a few years ago, before I did WOGS, and that scratched my itch. Jay, the host of game night, keeps his game shelfs to 2, and got rid of WGF because noone played. in Feb I noticed SOG down there and he was hoping to get his HS aged son to connett with it. We didn't play at game night. This past week, he wanted to know if I wanted it. We haggled over price (he insisted on Free, knowing it would get a good home). So, I am now the proud owner of 1) A starter set of Sails of Glory , a game mat, and 2 expansions ships (HMS Swan & Alligator).

So, here I am. Now what?

I haven't even fully read the rules yet.

(oh...and I was already looking at the USS Constitution, because well.......it's the Constitution.)