So please merge this with an existing appropriate thread if I've missed it, but I'd like to discuss the sails and what others feel about them and what, if any modifications are popular.

I've seen the very expensive and gorgeous mods done by the Spanish company (forget the name), but is there a tutorial somewhere on how to do something similar at home?

I'm an old school miniatures painter, but haven't done anything in years and would be starting from scratch as far as tools go for something like this.

I just don't like the sails, they kill the immersion for me. I get excited about the Constitution pack coming and then I picture what the sails will look like :/

I love everything else about the models and the game. The way the sails attach to the masts are the worst part of it. Has anyone successfully dremeled those out without bringing the whole thing down on the crew below?

Thoughts? Advice?