Hi there folks!

I have just joined the forum after browsing it for about a week (and several failed attempts to sign-up, where I have been dejected as spammer... I don't know why, but when I changed my desired login from Jason to Jason.J, the algorithm allowed me in. A question to admin - is it possible to change the displayed name?).

I am an enthusiast of sea and sailing ships since my early childhood, and I have been a war and miniature gamer for about 15 years. Over the years I've picked up various games that promised a naval experience (mainly GW like man'o'war, BF Gothic and stuff, but considered where I live, I never had a slight chance of collecting and playing age-of-sail miniatures with anyone). Sails of Glory is a game changer for me, because of simple rules and almost board-game appearance, I can enlist a score of my board-game and roleplaying friends for some sailing tabletop fun. Currently, after around two dozen skirmishes, I am in love with SoG and looking forward to having even more fun with it.

On the other hand, I am a graphic artist and illustrator, working in computer games as well as pen and paper games industry. I have already created some custom terrain tiles for SoG that I've put on Boardgamegeek servers, but with all the experience in gaming I am planning on making more stuff for Sails.

I hope to learn a lot a have a ton of fun here. Glad to be here :) Ahoy!