I took a long weekend trip to Boston with my family last weekend. Since the Constitution is going into drydock for three years I thought that a visit was a must do on the list! I also had never been to the Constitution Museum next to the ship. My son, who was mainly interested in visiting the TD Garden Sports Museum and seeing a Red Sox game admitted that he was impressed with the ship. Now just to get him to try SGN!

The ship, well she speaks for herself, but the museum was worth the visit and they only asked for a small donation. The exhibits included a number of models and as well as Cpt Lambert's sword from the Java fight. They had a number of gifts presented to Captains Bainbridge and Hull after their victories as well. A good part of the museum is dedicated to younger kids, but it is well done.

I did splurge on a somewhat expensive pen what was made from wood taken out of the ship during a previous restoration.

I have uploaded some photos of the ship to an album. I did focus on some details of the rigging. Also I noted the different types of ammunition, several of which were used as disabling shot (star and bar shot). I included a shot of the knees on the berth deck to show the structure. They have the three tops'ls and the spanker on board, and a total of 11 sails, the rest of which are in the sail loft on shore. The restoration will work include rigging work, so I hope they'll sail her again! I also confirmed that the lottery to be on board for her next turn around cruise in 2018 will be online late 2017 and I already marked my calendar!

On a more somber note at the Red Sox game that night they paid tribute to MG Harold Greene who was the highest ranking US officer KIA in 40 years. He was from Boston and a big Red Sox fan. Everyone spontaneously stood for a moment of silence before the USA chants started. His family was present and moved by the crowds reaction. This was in addition to honoring a Colonel from the NG who earned a bronze star in Afghanistan. From deck of a ship famous for fighting 18th c terrorists to the unfortunate result of modern day terrorist actions.
