Agree with Karl, these were the Wars of the Revolution followed by the Napoleonic Wars..the 1812 and other conflicts involving the USA were consequences of these European wars, they would not have occurred then without them (with the possible exception of the intervention in N Africa.) Also the Russo-Finnish War, the Russo-Turkish War, Swedish-Norwegian fights, even the earlier Polish partition are all symptoms of the struggle for hegemony in Europe as the power of some monarchs/empires wained (Turkey, Spain, perhaps Austria) and others rose (Russia, Prussia and England). It's what makes this period of history so interesting, a true time of fundamental change whose origins lie in the Enlightenment, repeated crop failures across Europe, the weakening of the authority of religious power, the commencement of industrialization..there are so many things happening in Europe from 1780-1815 it's often hard to discern what caused what!