This is for a convention demo game with a twist on my treasure ship mission.
British vs French (duh!)
Number of ships depends on number of players, but it's equal ships per side. Ideally at least one SOL just to show players the significance of the difference. You could go all frigates too.
Three maps, so it's 39" x 81".
Starting positions for British and French are on opposite long edges...anywhere they want to be.
What's the objective, you say?
It's the bishop of Switzerland having been kidnapped for ransom by pirates. The pirates don't know he has the Shroud of Turin. The pirates consist of one of the wave 2 heavy frigates (I suggest the HMS Sybille) and the privateer sloop Thorn. The bishop is in the heavy frigate. Both pirate ships have Elite Marines. The sloop has Well Trained Gunners. The heavy frigate has Intuitive Captain.
The pirates set-up last, at least B range away from one of the four sides of one of the end mats.
The British and French are trying to capture the heavy frigate. They're free to sink the sloop. They can't sink the heavy frigate or they lose the game. How are they supposed to capture it? If it has lost all sails, it surrenders to the nearest ship within C chit range. You can also beat it in boarding action to capture it.
Whichever side captures the pirate ship wins. The other side can't blow the capturing ship out of the water for fear of killing the bishop, so the game ends.
The pirate wins if he makes it to the opposite side of the board with the heavy frigate.
I've not play-tested this in the least. It is all pure speculation as to how well it will work.