Project Update #60: Sails of Glory PDFs now available for download
Posted by Ares Games ♥ Like

Sails of Glory Backers!

We just posted to the Downloads section of our website the digital stretch goals offered during the campaign:

the Captain & Crew Ability rules (including a summary of the abilities featured on the cards)
the booklet with Historical Scenarios you can play using the "Wave 1" ships you have
the Point System you can use to create balanced scenarios and in tournament play - already including the upcoming Wave 2 ships.

We hope to have your feedback - especially for the point system, that has been carefully developed and tested, but - as with all systems of this kind - can never be considered "perfect" until it is stress-tested by thousands of players all over the World.

Next week we'll post a new update, with our offer for Wave 2 Ships (scheduled to be available in stores in May) and the options for redeeming your Victory & Constitution pledge credit.

Thanks for your support!