
I'm Keith from York in the UK. I have just ordered the Sails of Glory starter set and a couple of extra frigates together with some of the terrain sets, which should be enough to get me started, although I foresee quite a few more purchases in my future. I am kicking myself for not having signed up to the Kickstarter campaign now , maybe that is what the kick in kickstarter is about , ah well no point in crying over spilt milk.

I am interested in (board) wargames in general and Napoleonic era in particular, and would be interested to hear from anyone in the York area who fancies a game of SoG. I am particularly interested in military intelligence in the Napoleonic era, as I am thinking of using that as the basis of some fiction writing, and I am aware that Naval intelligence was particularly important in that period.

Anyway I am happy to hear from anyone on the site whether from York or not.

Cheers and all the best.