5/13/1793 / 1700 hrs. / 42°34'N 13°12'W / Wind NNE moderate

British Frigate Iris / George Lumsdaine / 217 men / 688 tons

26x12lb , 6x6lb , 32 guns / 174lb B/S


French Privateer Frigate Citoyenne Francaise / Capt.Dubedat / 250 men / 850 tons

14x12 , 12x8 , 10x6 . 36 guns / 175lb B/S

Action began at 1830 and lasted 90 minutes. French then broke clear. At 2015 Iris's foremast, mizzenmast and maintop went overboard. The French hauled to the wind and escaped.
British losses were 4 dead and 32 wounded including the first lieutenant and master.
French losses were 15 dead and Captain Dubedat plus 37 wounded.