I just ordered it and this book on Cochrane - http://www.amazon.com/Lord-Cochrane-...pd_sim_sbs_b_2

Thanks for the recommendation. amazon had both for $0.01 apiece in very good condition. Many other inexpensive copies remain.

As to your ship, Chris, she is looking great with the crew. I can't wait to see her completed.

Quote Originally Posted by Moideeb View Post
One of the best Naval books ive ever read.

I probably shouldn't include this here as its a book review, but for some reason i can't remember how to start a new thread. I'll move this post when i remember how.

I have Read all of The O'Brian Books, all the Hornblower and the Pearce books plus numerous books on the history of war at sea and its tactics. I have recently had the pleasure of reading 'Cochrane: The Story of Britannia's Sea Wolf' by Donald Thomas. Which i have to say is the best book i have read in years. I can't recommend this book highly enough. If this were fiction, most readers would struggle to believe it. The fact that this happened is amazing.

I loved O'Brian and will read it again one day, but it was almost disappointing to see so much of what i loved in the O'Brian books was exact copying of Thomas Cochrane's real life exploits. Most people know of Nelson, and less but still many know of the exploits of Sir Edward Pellew, I also Recommend -Commander: The Life and Exploits of Britain's Greatest Frigate Captain,which is a great book too.

First buy Cochrane: The Story of Britannia's Sea Wolf, it is a fantastic yet true tale of who i think is one of the best sea commanders that any navy has ever had. Napoleon himself called Cochrane "La loup de mer" (The Sea Wolf) His story is as fascinating and as varied as you can imagine. From battling the french fleet, Breaking out of english prison and marching into parliament, to leading his own navy, to planning on breaking out Napoleon from Elba to march on south america.

All i can say is read it and you will not be disappointed.
