Some guys from San Antonio run a great Canvas Eagles game that is completely fluid and open. You can walk up and fly a plane onto the battlefield any time and bring another in when you get shot down or run out of ammo or fuel. You can just walk off and do something else for a while if you feel like it and walk back to take another plane if you're in the mood. The guys sometimes put financial bounties on each other as a joke.
More local to me is a game convention that is run as a charity fund raiser for a school. Many charities run a raffle in which 50% of the ticket money sold goes to the winner and 50% goes to the charity. I'm thinking on combining all this into a Sails of Glory game. Here's the basic concept:
You pay something like $1 to $2 to bring a ship in. That is the bounty on your ship. If you sink someone else, their bounty transfers to your ship and now you have double the bounty money on your ship that it is transporting. If someone sinks you..then all your stored bounty transfers to their ship. At the end of the game, whoever is transporting the highest bounty wins. They get to keep half of all bounties on everyone's ships and the charity gets the other half. If there's a tie, then it goes to who is least damaged. Still a tie? Oh hell..flip a coin or make them do best of three on paper/scissors/rock. You can play more ships if you get sunk, but you have to buy in again for another $1-$2 every time.
I'm thinking I'll have to limit it to one ship class, probably frigates.

Any other thoughts or helpful suggestions and ideas are appreciated.