We all know that the SOG-N official minis will go out as 1/1200 scale models. That looks fine for ships of the line and frigates, but where I think the system has great potential is in the coverage of small ship actions (sloops, corvettes, cutters and their ilk) and, whilst there are some lovely 1/1200 models available they are pretty small and fragile. I do use them, but I also use larger, more robust models for small ship actions, especially when I'm running participation games at shows. The models I use for these types of games are made by Peter Pig to a nominal scale of 1/450. They are pretty basic but go together very nicely and are full of character. The models come from the PP "Pieces of Eight" pirate range.

One of the more interesting points of these models which alas isn't shown in the pictures I've uploaded so far) is that, as well as the basic models, PP sells sets of fixtures, fittings, guns, ships boats and crew parties that really add to the character and individualism of the ships. If there's any interest I'll see if I can find some photos of my more detailed models.