Origins 2023 SOG game 3 – To The Death

This battle pits the Royal Navy against a feisty French squadron looking for fight. The fleets meet with both running with the wind.
After 6 turns I roll a d6, on a 1 the wind changes direction by 30*, random direction. If the wind doesn’t change the next turn it is a 1-2. Etc, until the wind changes. 6 turns after a change start to roll again…

Robert was a late arrival as was Tom Nelson. Nelson! The Royal Navy had an unfair advantage ponce Nelson joined the battle. Sadly he had to leave before the end.

French Captains
1 Tim Marx – Commerce de Bordeux
3 Franz Albright – Ville de Varosie
5 Mike Haven - Aquilon
7 Robert Durst – le Swiftsure

RN Captains
2 Pete Oakley – HMS Malta
4 Mike Jacobs – HMS Goliath
6 Kit Wessendorf – HMS Defense
8 Tom Nelson – HMS Superb

The original 6 ships begin to try to gain an advantage.
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Captain Mike in HMS Goliath takes a shot at…hey wait, Captain Pete is on your side!
Oh! The temptation of a stern rake!
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Both sides begin to close in to meet in the center.
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Le Swiftsure(7) and HMS Superb(8) make their appearance to the rear of the columns.
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Ville de Varosie exchanges broadsides with HMS Malta.
The Commerce de Bordeux waits to clear Varosie to get a shot at HMS Malta.
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HMS Goliath breaks inbetween Bordeux and Varosie and gives each a broadside. The angrily return fire.
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Le Swiftsure and HMS Superb have a dance of their own and trade shots over several turns.
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HMS Defense and Aquilon engage with the Bordeux closing in toi help Aquilon.
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After pounding away at each other both Bordeux and HMS Goliath have reached their limits and both strike their colors!
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Le Swiftsure lets loose a long range shot while HMS Bellona holds fire.
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HMS Malta and Varosie run in opposite directions, trading shots as they pass.
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HMS Superb engages Dugay-Troun (ex Malta) hopint to turn on it’s stern.
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Captain Mike gets off another (2nd) double broadside, one at Dugay-Troun and the other at Le Swiftsure, causing Le Swiftsure to strike.
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While Dugay-Troun fires upon Bellona she takes a shot in the stern from HMS Defense.
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Captain Mike gets off a 3rd double broadside at Dugay-Troun andhis arch enemy, Captain Franz of the Ville de Varosie.
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HMS Malta strikes to Dugay-Troun. The 2nd Royal Navy ship to strike!
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Ville de Varosie is hunted by both HMS Superb and HMS Bellona.
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Captain Mike again gets off a double broadside. What’s new?
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HMS Superb gets in an answering shot at Dugay-Troun.
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Ville de Varosie and HMS Superb have a pass at each other as the battle dies down.
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Not to be outdone, Captain Mike has the fight of his life with a bit of luck on his side. He ties Origins SOG game 1’s 22 damage zeros drawn! The French squeak out an edge so a French minor victory but Captain’s honors go to Captain Mike of the HMS Bellona.