Fisherman’s Shoals

My version of the 2015 Campaign scenario, Fisheman’s Shoals, by Union Jack:

Note - I've fretted about this one for far too long, so used some plasticine for the shoals. While not terrific it looked better than it appears in the photos - oh well.

Gabriel stood in the fo’c’sle of the Hermione, peering intently into the waters of Fisherman’s shoals. He knew these waters well but that meant keeping an eye for how the sand bars may have shifted. He has used Fisherman’s shoals many times to shake the pursuit of a French, Spanish or American warship – and that is just what he hoped to do now.

Not far behind, not more than three cables, was Le Succès – no doubt her Captain hoped to collect on the 5,000 franc reward for killing or capturing the dreaded pirate, Gabriel de Bergerac. The measly 5,000 franc reward – posted by his arch enemy, Amiral Armand Lemontagne – incensed Gabriel. He was worth much more than that; so to make a point he offered 50,000 francs for Lemontagne – alive of course. There was little satisfaction in taunting a corpse.

Gabriel had no doubt that the crack crew of the Hermoine could defeat Le Succès but there’d be little profit in that once battle damage was repaired. It was better to lose the pursuing frigate in the treacherous waters. A long sandbar separated the two frigates on parallel courses.

“She’s holding steady”, called out Chaiya, the Thai first mate, from the stern of the Hermoine – referring to the course of Le Succès. Gabriel sighed; it would have been easier if Le Succès had veered to larboard and run aground but the captain of Le Succès seemed to know his business.

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“There it is,” shouted Gabriel, “two points to larboard”. Then shortly after, “two points to port”. With that the Hermoine slid neatly through the gap in the sandbars. Now if only the wind would hold – Devil’s Rock was aptly named. Many a ship had been foundered on its rocks.

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But the wind’s of Devil’s Rock lived up to their reputation and the wind veered to the east, catching the Hermione as she tried to slip back onto her previous course. Blast, thought Gabriel. He glanced back and fortuitously the fickle winds had brought Le Succès under the guns of the Hermione’s port, stern battery.

“Give her a few rounds, lads – but aim high.”

The Hermione’s guns barked and rounds thudded into he hull of Le Succès.

“Was that high?”

The Hermione’s gun crew looked at their captain sheepishly.

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Gabriel had little time to waste berating the gunners. Danger lay ahead – a moment’s delay and the Hermoine would be driven onto Devil’s Rock.

“Make ready….now”, Gabriel commanded the Hermoine’s sailors – and with that the Hermione used the wind and current to tack across the wind. [Note – I used Gabriels’ agility skill for turning the Hermione on a corner by a ruler width. I’m not sure exactly how that would be achieved on a square-rigged ship – but I’m sure Dobbs would have the correct lingo. Also, there seems to be a turn missing or something but I couldn’t quite figure it out when reviewing the photos.]

Le Succès took the struggles of the Hermione as an opportunity to fire her forward battery at her prey. Fortunately for the Hermione, the crew of Le Succès was better at sailing than gunnery.

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It was then that Gabriel spied Unité heading towards them. A trap! And, Gabriel had fallen right into it.

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There was a slim change to avoid being caught in the crossfire of two enemy frigates, but the Hermione would need some luck. Le Succès was slowed having to negotiate the last sandbar between her and Devil’s Rock. Unité had more difficulty. She veered hard to port having only seen the sandbar ahead at the last moment. The Hermione, meanwhile, hugged the rocky shore of Devil’s Rock.

“That’s a fine bit of sailing, Captain,” Chaiya called out. “Perhaps not quite so close next time.”

Gabriel smiled. There were not yet safe from the trickery of Devil’s Rock. Once they past the southern point of the Rock, the winds would Inexplicably have shifted.

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As Unité navigated the southern tip of the sandbar it had avoided, the Hermione attempted a narrow passage – any shift of the wind and the Hermoine would be lost. Both ships took the opportunity to exchange a salute which was a fair and even trade.

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Fortune was with Gabriel and the Hermione. The wind held steady and the Hermione was through the gap but not yet out of danger.

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And shift the wind did, but fate smiled on the Hermione as she picked up speed and sailed away from the dangers of the shoals. The Unité was not so lucky as she was driven onto the next sandbar.

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While Unité’s crew struggled to free her, Le Succès turned sharply to port. Rather than try to catch Hermione by following her path, Le Succès would try to intercept her further to the north. Le Succès and Hermione exchanged fire – proving only that the gunners of Le Succès needed practice and that Gabriel would have to teach his gunners the meaning of ‘aim high”.

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Hermione had swung to the east of the Giant’s Steps which meant she was safe from her enemies for the moment. The danger would come as Hermione exited Fisherman’s shoals as Le Succès had the inside route. A lucky shot that crippled the Hermione would mean she would have to fight both frigates as the Unité was now not far behind Le Succès.

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Le Succès turned to close the distance and took a full broadside from Hermione which took out some of Le Succès’ rigging.

“That’s the way to aim high, lads”, said Gabriel.

None of the Hermione’s crew dared to say they had not aimed high.

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As the Hermione made her way to safety, Le Succès fired a full broadside in return – her best salvo of the engagement but it was still not all that effective.

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With that Hermione set full sails – leaving her foes to make their way out of Fisherman’s Shoals.


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