Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
The picture I posted earlier that was in Swedish said this:

Main mast:
Length: width + length / 2.23
Diameter: length x 0.030864

Main topmast:
Length: 1.5 x width
Diameter: length x 0.024306

Main topgallant:
Length: 5/6 x width
Diameter: 1/48 of length

Length: main mast x 0.93

Fore topmast:
Length: 0.0666 x masthead shorter than main topmast.
Diameter: length x 0.024306

Fore topgallant:
Length: 7/9 x width
Diameter: 1/48 of length

Mizzen mast:
Length: main mast x 0.84
Diameter: length x 0.027778 x (for 1st - 3rd rates 0.6, others 0+.67)

Mizzen topmast:
Length: width
Diameter: length x 0.024306

Mizzen topgallant:
Length: 1/2 x width
Diameter: 1/48 of length

Masthead: 1/5

"Kaltopp" It's the masthead but it's written in addition to masthead in the table.
Length: 1/5

Note: The length of the masts would be from standing on the keel.
Thaank you also for this Jonas. That will no doubt prove very useful.
