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Thread: AAR. Nation v Nation July. Newcastle

  1. #1
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Default AAR. Nation v Nation July. Newcastle


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    Sir Joshua Pound slammed his fist down on the large Sheraton Mahogany table.

    Lt. Peter Shilling on the opposite side of the table visibly stepped back with a look of shock on his face. It was unknown for the unflappable Admiral to utter an expletive.

    Having just delivered the news that covered by a vicious gale, the French had slipped out of Port whilst the blockading British Squadron was forced out to sea, Peter was still surprised at the vehemence of his Admiral's response.

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    "I did not mean you dear boy," Pound was quick to react.
    " I mean those cursed Frogs stealing a march on us whilst we had to beat back, and now the wind has veered in our favour, too late to help us cut off their Squadron." We must just hope that Captain Farthing in Concorde can run them to earth. Glory only knows what mischief they will get up to if they get loose amongst our merchantmen?"

    Less than an hour after this conversation, the flagship Royal George had put to sea, and at first light the next morning the masthead lookout shouted out "Sails on the Port beam to herald the arrival of the Frigate Concorde and most of the rest of the Admiral's scattered Squadron.

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    Less than 40 minutes later Commander Farthing of the Frigate Concorde was ceremonially piped aboard the flagship, and having doffed his hat to the colours was ushered down to the Admirals day room by the Flag Captain Josiah Pennyman.

    Having delivered his observations of the situation of the French Squadron, it was obvious to all the captains assembled that the change in the wind direction had in fact played into their hands. The off shore wind had lured the French out at long last, when all other ploys by the British Captains had failed, and the onshore wind now blowing had them clawing their way along a Lee shore with the British not only to windward but with the breeze blowing off their Starboard aft quarter. If all went well they should sight the French not long after four bells of the forenoon watch, and may the Devil take the hindmost.

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    Last edited by Bligh; 07-20-2017 at 04:29.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  2. #2
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Nation v Nation. July AAR. Newcastle, (a simple folk dance for as many as will.)

    True dawn found The French Fleet clawing its way along the lee shore of the coast and fighting the prevailing wind to maintain sea room.

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    As the British Squadron approached Admiral Pound signaled for them to form line of battle with the Frigate Concorde to windward.

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    As the Frigate took station Captain Taylor in Superb led the battle line toward the French Van.

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    As he approached, Superb took fire from the leading French ship Le Berwick. Commodore Bosenquet. Ball caused the fore top gallant to fall and several hands were hit. otherwise little damage ensued.

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    Eschewing the opportunity to return fire, Rufus Taylor issued instructions to his first Lieutenant Douglas Peek to cut the French line to the stern of Redoutable. This would give him the chance for a double rake on both that ship and the oncoming Flagship of Contra Admiral Duplesse.

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    However, coming under serious fire from the Redoutable, he was forced to retaliate prior to cutting the line. Having lost more hands and his Mainmast it was all he could do to maintain steerage as he made for the gap in the line.

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    The Redoutable also suffered, loosing steering control with her steering cables shot through and a fire started by a burning wad on the main deck.
    This did not handicap the marines of either ship from finding suitable targets however.

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    As Superb came about dragged by the mainmast acting as a drag anchor with sailors frantically trying to cut her free, Rufus ordered a raking double shotted broadside into the bows of the French Flagship Montagne.

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    The Ball and Grape ripping through the Gundecks of the French First Rate, rendered almost half her crew killed or wounded in a matter of seconds, and a fire also broke out in the chartroom.

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    Meanwhile, the second ship in the Line HMS Phoenix, Captain Joseph Porter had come into action against the reloading Redoutable. Once again point blank double shot proved its destructive force. loss of crew, holed below the waterline in several places and on fire, her Captain had no option but to strike his colours, and ask for help in controlling the damage before his ship sank.

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    Further back in the line the British Flagship Royal George started to come under fire from the now withdrawing Le Berwick. Once again a fire started, and had to be quickly doused by the ships fire party.

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    In an encounter further to windward the frigates HMS Concorde and Dryade were engaged in their own private skirmish.

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    Once again the use of double grape and ball proving superior as Concord's gun crews cut down the French crew in swathes until the blood ran from the scuppers.

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    Phoenix now manoeuvred into the space relinquished by Superb, and Porter ordered the Starboard battery to fire as it bore in another devastating raking double broadside into the French Flagship.

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    Once again masts and rigging parted company, wiping many souls away in the destructive turmoil. Montagne shuddered under the onslaught of the Carronades.
    A few desultry musket shots passed from both ships but it was the French Flagship which was hurt severely, and with her Captain carried below mortally wounded, Contra Admiral Duplesse was forced to shift his flag to the following 74. Duguay Trouin.

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    A few moments later with no senior Officers unwounded or fled Montagne struck to Phoenix.

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    The general situation was now thus:-

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    Superb had born away with sail damage. Phoenix was turning to starboard as per Admiral Pounds original instructions, whilst the Royal George led the rear of the Squadron along the French Port side still holding the wind gauge.
    Of the French Squadron, two had struck whilst Le Berwick was making good its escape to the Westward.
    The remaining ships were following Duguay Trouin around the captured French Flagship.
    The two frigates had broken off action, and HMS Concorde was rapidly closing on the rear of the French line.

    The fighting now became general. Royal George took fire from the forrard guns of Commerce de Bordeaux, losing a fore top mast and her bowsprit in the first engagement.

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    This began to turn the British flagship away from the enemy line, but she still managed to return a devastating double shotted first broadside, to the receding Frenchman, bringing one of her masts down and starting yet another fire.

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    Concurrently on her Starboard side she was under fire from Porter in Phoenix, reducing her maneuverability still further as she incurred serious damage to her rudder.

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    Nevertheless she passed on down the line as her bold Commander Captain Perrier refused to surrender.

    It was now time for the British ships to take damage as Royal George was again struck by the Forrard battery of the rearmost French 74 Le Swiftsure which was totally undamaged.

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    Another of the George's masts was damaged and fire sprang up on the lower gun deck. Again fire parties had to rush to the scene further depleting her gun crews. it was at this point that Admiral Pound was hit. Wounded he was carried to the orlop deck, whilst his flag Captain Josiah Pennyman also hit by a splinter of wood from the same ball, refused treatment and stayed on the Quarter Deck to command his ship and take charge of the rest of the action.

    Commerce de Bordeaux's gunners had also made their mark spotting HMS Bellerophon between the Smoking George and their own Flagship. They made good play with each gun as it bore, and took down Bellerophon's Mainmast, holed her below the waterline and caused another fire to spring up.

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    Phoenix took revenge on the Bordeaux's Starboard side. Damaging masts rudder and sails as well as causing several seamen to plummet from the tops.

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    The little frigate Concorde now came into her own as Captain George Farthing passed the stern of the 74 Swiftsure. A full raking broadside double shotted dished in the Frenchman's stern gallery and passing tween decks did much harm to her gunners, and yes another fire.

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    The condition of the main British ships in action was now thus:-

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    And the remaining French not much better.

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    With the Royal George swinging to Starboard still under very little steerage control it was left to Bellerophon to open her account by chastising Le Swiftsure with her first double shotted ball and grape broadside. Each gun captain chose his mark carefully and as Swiftsure responded to the up roll and, each gun fired in turn along both gundecks.

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    The result was appalling Holed twixt wind and water, with her main top in tatters and steering damaged she bore away behind the cover of her surrendered Flagship.

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    However, this was not the end of Swiftsure's agony as she was also stern raked by Phoenix and finally succumbed to the forrard guns of the little Frigate Concorde who's Captain took the surrender of the French Captain on his own Quarterdeck.

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    HMS Leander now chose to cut the line, but was raked for her pains by the retreating Bordeaux who still had some teeth left.

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    The situation by four bells of the afternoon watch was thus:-

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    In due course Captain Tanner in Leander took his revenge by stern raking Bordeaux with his forrard guns, and doing some damage to sails and crewmen.

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    Duguay Trouin and Bordeaux now made off pursued by Leander and Superb who had at last jury rigged her masts.

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    In a last gasp effort Grenville Tanner brought Leander rounded up into the eye of the wind and just managed to get off a shot from his forrard guns.

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    This proved enough and Bordeaux struck to Tanner.

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    Duguay Trouin with the Contra Admiral Duplesse aboard made good her escape without a single piece of damage. She, along with, Le Berwick, also undamaged and the Frigate Dryade would be hunted down in due course.

    Meanwhile it was the victorious British Squadron who returned to port with their prizes, now able to lick their wounds and make repairs.

    Last edited by Bligh; 07-20-2017 at 04:56.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  3. #3
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    The Butcher's Bill.

    1. Ships name………………………….ROYAL GEORGE.
    Type of Ship………………………...FIRST RATE.
    Captain's name……………………..Pennyman.

    Returned to port (RtP)… ……………RTP
    Captured (C) ………………………..
    Killed in action (KIA…………………
    Total hull boxes undamaged…………4
    Total crew boxes undamaged…....…5

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    2. Ships name………………………….BELLEROPHON.
    Type of Ship………………………...THIRD RATE.
    Captain's name…………………….. Sterling.

    Returned to port (RtP)… ……………RTP
    Captured (C) ………………………..
    Killed in action (KIA…………………
    Total hull boxes undamaged…….…6
    .Total crew boxes undamaged…..…10

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    3. Ships name………………………….PHOENIX.
    Type of Ship………………………...THIRD RATE.
    Captain's name……………………...Porter.

    Returned to port (RtP)………………RTP
    Captured (C) ………………………..
    Killed in action (KIA…………………
    Total hull boxes undamaged…….…6
    Total crew boxes undamaged…..…6

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    4. Ships name………………………….SUPERB.
    Type of Ship………………………....THIRD RATE.
    Captain's name……………….……..Taylor.

    Returned to port (RtP)………………RTP
    Captured (C) ………………………..
    Killed in action (KIA…………………
    Total hull boxes undamaged……....5
    Total crew boxes undamaged…..…2

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    5. Ships name………………………….LEANDER.
    Type of Ship……………………….....FOURTH RATE.
    Captain's name…………………….. Tanner.

    Returned to port (RtP)………………RTP
    Captured (C) ………………………..
    Killed in action (KIA…………………
    Total hull boxes undamaged…….…8
    Total crew boxes undamaged…..…9

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    7. Ships name………………………….CONCORDE.
    Type of Ship……………………….....FIFTH RATE
    Captain's name…………………….. Farthing.

    Returned to port (RtP)………………RTP
    Captured (C) ………………………..
    Killed in action (KIA…………………
    Total hull boxes undamaged……….6
    Total crew boxes undamaged…..…8

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    Total burdens of all enemy ships sunk or captured…… …..21
    Did the squadron meet its goals?......................................YES

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    Bordeaux strikes to Leander.

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    Swiftsure strikes to Concorde.
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    Redoubtable strikes to Phoenix.
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    Montagne strikes to Phoenix.
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    Last edited by Bligh; 07-20-2017 at 05:44.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.


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