It is awesome seeing how well the kickstarter is doing. Are there ways to ensure it does not lose the wind in its sails?

Recently, I was part of a kickstarter for Pathfinder RPG. One of the things Paizo did was providing add-ons. If someone added on $25 to their pledge, they would receive something, etc. I am not sure if Ares has anything like that planned, but for those of us who have pledged at the captain level, there is really no place for us to go now in adding more. Many of us would be happy to kick in more money for an island, or some captain cards, etc. This would help Ares reach its other stretch goals. Unfortunately, we can buy additional product when the stretch goal is reached. If the proposed ships were add-ons, we could pledge the $20 apiece up front, and if the stretch goals are reached, the ships become a reality, otherwise the added on cash is returned. There is a better chance this way of Ares getting the funding.

Just some ramblings on how the kickstarter could garner more funds.