Quote Originally Posted by Berthier View Post
Slower uptake of commodore may be to do with the price shock. $480 +shipping is a lot of gaming money to invest in a system I haven't seen in the flesh and have no reviews or rules set to go through. That's a big leap of faith and as more stretch levels get reached there may be more investments to be had like the Victory and Constitution all of which add more $ (yes I know some of the stretch levels are free bonuses). I rarely think twice about spending money on my gaming, tending to sell off items I dont need any more and buy newer items but I'm still at heart a collector and I've decided to pause till the latter stages of the capital raising to see the final offers.
For an individual, I think this is a very fair statement. If two folks go in together, as The Royal Hajj suggests, it would lower costs, assuming both would be in at the captain's level regardless.

As a newbie to WGF, if they did a kickstarter, I wouldn't sleep until it went live, and then I would buy until my wife shut down our internet; but this is because I am already a player and have seen the game, as you say, in the flesh.