
in these days, many people don't use forums any more as their first address for communication as they believe that other channels like Discord or similar services are better suited. I will not judge on that.

Personally, I like forums and believe that they are superior to other channels as a resource for a game. A forum is less fleeting and can be better structured.

That said, after a short cruise through this forum, I am surprised to find - or rather not to find - a dedicated section for Rules Questions on one hand and for Tactic & Strategies within the frame of SoG on the other.

With "The Chippy Shop" one such dedicated section does exist for the handicraft part of the SoG hobby, though.

Are there particular reasons for this or am I missing something as a newbie around these parts?

Lt. Bush

My bad, I was stuck in the "off duty" section of the forum. There is a dedicated section for rules questions in the "Napoelonic" part.
But what about Tactics & Stategies?